We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this week, including: 

Updated: Added Guestflow under Integrations

Updated: Added YourWelcome under Integrations

Updated: Renamed "Wishbox" to "Duve" on Tokeet Website

Fixed: Remove *|RENTAL:INSTRUCTIONS|* data token from Data Dictionary as it wasn't functional

Fixed: We have fixed few navigations and broken link issues on the Registration screen, Login screen, and Tokeet Website

Fixed: Applied validation on Tax Type field under Rentals->TAX/VAT

Fixed: We have fixed an issue where the "Update booking charges" popup was showing when you update guest details on an inquiry/booking

TV3 UPDATES | Sep 13 - 17, 2021

Bug Fixes:

[Registration] Navigation problem

[Registration] Broken link

[Website] Clicking on "Capterra" shouldn't open "Write a Review" form

[Website] Rephrase "iTunes Store" to "SourceForge"

[Login] App on right side should redirect users to website of respective applications

[Rental->Taxes] Mark "Tax Type" with an asterisk (*). Also, show validation message for it

[Website->Integrations] Rename "Wishbox" to "Duve"

[Templates] Remove *|RENTAL:INSTRUCTIONS|* data token

[Inquiries] "Update booking charges" popup shouldn't display while editing guest details

[Login] App links should open in new tab

[Billing History] Remove sort from highlighted columns

[Templates] For Payload and Push Notification templates, Data Dictionary fields doesn't populate

New Features:

Add guest flow in app integration page

Add "YourWelcome" in app integration page

[HomeAway] Add Merchant Name to Account Info section

[Payments] Make Payment Gateways page more user friendly

HomeToGo - Add icons to TV3 website

Owner Center Updates | June 1, 2021

Updated: [Owner Portal ->Statements] Updated the subtitle text to "Select a statement to view, or print."

Fixed: [Owner Portal] Booking Fees doesn't show separately on the booking details popup.

Fixed: [Owner Portal] Taxes and Additional Guest Fee values are not displayed on the booking details popup.

Fixed: [Owner Portal] Discount values are not displayed on the booking details popup.

Fixed: Webready's total was not factoring in on the Owner's report. This has been fixed.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: [Default Gateway] Update the invoice codes to be SCA compliant.

Fixed: [OC Portal] Pay with Card button is not visible in Invoices.

Fixed: [Default Gateway] While a property manager creates an invoice, the system must check to see if the default gateway is added.

Fixed: [Owner Rentals] Edit option is not clickable.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

UPDATED: [Dashboard] Limit the character count to 30 on the user name which displays in the top menu.

UPDATED: [Calendar] Add Hold Event pop up extends across the screen.

UPDATED: [Statements and Invoices] Add "Webready" as an option in the Channels dropdown

FIXED: [Channels] Right side of the overlay is being cut off.

FIXED: [Payout Rules] Channel field is not updating the value. 

FIXED: Hide [Channels] page. 


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this year, including:
Updated: A new Automata Portal has been added to the Help widget. This allows users to submit and vote on suggestions for new features in the app.

Updated: The Exclusion List switch, on the trigger overlay, has been given a label, to go along with the tooltip that was already in place. This should make it easier to understand what the switch does.

Updated: Sympl and Checklist logos were added to the login page. This allows users to quickly navigate to those new products directly from the Automata login page.

Fixed: Message templates were assigned to the wrong triggers. This occurred when editing multiple templates in multiple triggers. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: The delete button on the Templates page was enabled, even when no templates were selected in the list. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When editing the column headers on the Triggers and Bookings pages, the column options were displayed in multiple rows. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When inserting a hyperlink into a template, the URL field was not visible through the sides of the template body window. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When a contract trigger fired, the guest name and channel name were not properly displayed on the Recent Activity page. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: Some users received a bad request error message that was appearing when attempting to save a template or trigger. The template and trigger would still save correctly, but the error message created some confusion. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When creating a workflow from a sample, the different sample options were not displaying the correct collection of triggers. This issue has been fixed.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes for this period, including:

Fixed: Users with a valid Tokeet trial were being shown the banner saying that Automata would not work without a valid subscription, even though the app was still fully functional. This banner now only shows when there is no Automata subscription, and a Tokeet account is no longer on trial.

Fixed: The Insert Link button for inserting hyperlinks into a template was not working for some users. This has been fixed.

Fixed: The *|RENTAL:WEBSITES|* data token was not properly inserting the Tokeet website URL into outgoing templates. This has been fixed.

Fixed: When editing templates in multiple triggers, the first template that was edited was being assigned to the other triggers that were edited afterward. This has been fixed now.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

UPDATED: [OC Portal] Add the user profile type underneath the user name in Owner Center.  

UPDATED: [Owners] Country field is not a dropdown.     

UPDATED: [Owner Booking Section] - To indicate channel. 

FIXED: [Owners] Adding a gateway "Assign Owner" field should properly set in OC.  

FIXED: [OC Portal] Giving Property Manager a disable setting to hide their property listing info from Property Owners. 

FIXED:  [OC Portal Invoices] [Support Ticket] Owner invoice issue.

FIXED: [Owners] "Hide personal data" functionality not working.  


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this year, including:

Fixed: When an inquiry-related data token was included in a Signature contract, sending the contract using an Automata trigger would sometimes result in only the Tokeet User receiving the contract, and not the guest. After the fix, the Tokeet User and the guest receive the triggered contract in all situations.

Fixed: When a trigger was unsuccessful, and an error message was available for the situation, the error log was no longer visible in the dashboard. After the fix, the error log is now available for an unsuccessful trigger that has qualified error messages. This can be viewed on the Recent Activity page, with the Error Log action, or on the trigger activity tab, by clicking on an event entry in the table.

Fixed: On the Booking Details overlay, the Messages tab was no longer showing the messages that had been sent for the booking. After the fix, messages that were not visible before will now be shown.

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