• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:
Updated: The photo ID request popup will not appear when the guest clicks the Submit button. This allows the guest to review and complete the contract, prior to the photo ID being submitted. Now, both contract and photo ID will be submitted at the same time, when the guest clicks the Submit button.

Updated: Users can now download a PDF of the original file they uploaded. This is done on the Templates page, by clicking the Edit button and selecting Download. Only PDF format will be supported for downloads.

Updated: The user role now shows under the profile name in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.

Fixed: Data tokens were parsing into the completed templates out of alignment, making text hard to read and/or messy-looking.

Fixed: There was a blue square appearing around the close icon on the My Signature modal.

Fixed: Property owners were receiving 2 copies of the signed contract.

Fixed: When sending a template manually, the inquiry selector was showing the email address incorrectly. The "." in .com was converted into "%2E".

Fixed: Template recipients were not able to type anything into the textbox in the template.

Fixed: Users were able to create templates that did not have required fields, allowing guests to submit empty contracts with no fields completed. This has been fixed, so the correction for any further affected users will be to re-save the templates, making sure the important fields like the signature field are marked as required. The signature field will be marked as required by default now.

Fixed: The location information on a completed contract was sometimes showing the wrong location. This will now correctly show the location where the IP address of the recipient is registered. In my case, while I live in Krabi, Thailand, my location shows as Bangkok, Thailand, where my ISP has registered the IP range.

Fixed: In the change password modal, the top field was being highlighted, which wasn't correct behavior.


Thank you for using Tokeet!

As you might have noticed we’ve been very busy here at Tokeet. In 2019 we completed some of the most ambitious projects in our history and successfully launched Rategenie, Tokeet v3, Owner Center, and Margins. We spent a lot of time speaking with and listening to you, our customers, taking your feedback and direction to heart, and produced solutions to help you grow your business. We are pleased with the overwhelmingly positive feedback that we have received for each of these products and thank you for being a part of the process. There is a lot more to come in 2020.

Our Prices Are Changing

On March 1st, 2020 we will be transitioning to a new pricing structure for Tokeet (TV3). In short, our prices will be increasing about 30% on average for your Tokeet subscription. It’s been about 3 years since we last changed Tokeet’s prices and a lot has changed since then. After many weeks of consideration, we think the time is now right to update our prices to be inline with our current products and services.

Our other products (Add Ons) will not be affected by this pricing change. Those products will have their own pricing adjustments made later this year, if any. At this time no decision has been made yet about these products. The pricing adjustment of March 1st will only affect your Tokeet subscription.

Keep Your Current Plan

As with our last pricing change in 2017, we are giving all of our users the opportunity to keep their existing price plans for one year. We’ll throw in a 10% discount with each yearly plan. This is our way of thanking you for your loyalty, and being a part of our journey. You will even be able to switch between yearly plans, if your needs change within the year. 

The process for keeping your current plan is simple.

  1. Let us know if you want to keep your plan via email or live chat.
  2. We will send you a one year contract via email which you must sign.
  3. Once your contract is signed we will switch you to the new one year plan.
  4. You will be charged for the entire year upfront!
Thanks again for being a Tokeet user.
Team Tokeet



Dashboard view not showing properly in Portrait mode (iPad)Display issue on ipads with the dashboard in portrait mode
Inbox view not showing properly (iPad)Display issue on ipads with the inbox page
Add "Clear all filters" icon to templates and custom codes pages- New Feature: added a button to clear all active filters on a page to the templates and custom codes pages


Allow guests to open and submit contracts, forms, and documents from multiple devices/browsers- New Feature: template recipients are no longer restricted to only viewing the signature template in the same browser and device that they first opened it with
Checkboxes revert to 'required' after making them not requiredFields added to a template were reverting to required, even if the user deselected that checkbox
Add random number data tokens in the data dictionaryRAND4 and RAND6 were added to the signature data dictionary. These allow 4 and 6-digit randomly generated numbers to be inserted into a template, for security/door locks.
Add driving directions data code to the data dictionary fieldsThe driving directions data code was added to the signature data dictionary



  • Add the ability to turn off a payout rule without having to delete the entire payout rule.
  • Updating Payout rule formula structure:
  • Show name of Payout rules which are being applied to booking: Names of payout rule is now shown in tooltips if the user hovers over the payout column value.
  • Allow negative amounts in Invoice line items: User can now include a negative amount in the invoice
  • Owner Center is accessible on the tablet platform
  • Allow property manager to enable OC login for the owner
  • Create the statements/invoices for all the owners in a bulk function
  • Allow owners to change password
  • [Owner Portal->Reports] Add tooltips when you hover over different report types.


  • [Owners] Sort by "Rentals" and "Name" columns not working.
  • [Dashboard] Sort by Owner column not working properly.
  • [Portal] In Payments, the filter is not working for Failure
  • Rental and Tag filters appearing as Blank.
  • Owner center check-in / check-out times on booking info popup are incorrect
  • [Payout Rules] Owner name and Channel Name is missing on the detail view
  • [Reporting] Bookings that span from one year to the next show up incorrectly on the next year's report
  • [Owner Portal] The owner should be able to scroll forward and backward on Multi Calendar.
  • [Owners->Owner Statements] Options in the Rentals dropdown should be sorted.
  • [Owner->Owner Rentals] The correct currency symbol doesn't show in Owner Center for Euro.
  • [Owner Portal->Statements] The tooltip goes out of the screen when you hover over the Month dropdown.
  • [Dashboard] "BOOKING REVENUE FOR LAST 14 DAYS" graph has some data display issues
  • [Invoice/Statement] In Printed Mode, show "No Logo" if no logo exists.
  • [Invoice Print] The Terms and Conditions and Messages section do not appear at all.
  • [Payment] In Activity Log "Failure" status is not working
  • [Statement/Invoices] The status filter is not working properly without screen refresh
  • [Portal] Hold Events are not displaying correctly on the Standard calendar
  • Invoice Detail View shows empty rows in OC and 0 Payout/Tax


Hi everyone,

We hope that you've enjoyed your beta experience with Automata and Signature. Both products will be coming out of beta on September 24th and you will be required to subscribe to each product in order to access the applications from that date. You may subscribe to both products on the "My Billing Info" page within your Tokeet account starting September 24th. Starting October 1st Automata will stop firing all triggers for accounts without subscriptions.

If you have any questions about Automata or Signature please let us know by contacting support.

Thanks for being a Tokeet user.

Tokeet Support


We are super excited to announce the release of Signature, the third product in the Tokeet suite. Signature is an e-document management system designed for the short-term rental industry. We know that getting information to and from guests can be a tedious and time-consuming task, so we created Signature to make your lives easier. Signature is more than just an e-signature platform. With Signature, you can also send customized forms to your guests which they can complete on any device. This information is then stored in Tokeet for you to review at any time. You can also send customized documents using the guest and booking information, or custom codes that you create.

Best of all, Signature is completely integrated with Automata and the core Tokeet application so you can automate your document management, and your information is seamlessly shared across the entire suite of products. As always, Signature is easy to use and priced affordably.

Signature is free to use by all Tokeet users for the remainder of August. Simply go to the Signature login page and login with your Tokeet credentials. Only account admins my login at this time. To learn more about Signature please visit the Signature website.

Thanks for being Tokeet users.


Agoda API Synchronization Is Now Available

We're excited to announce that you can now connect your Agoda listings to Tokeet via API. Agoda and Tokeet have partnered to bring you a seamless, fast, and reliable connection between Tokeet and Agoda. Connect your Agoda account to Tokeet and receive real-time reservation notifications. Rates and availability synchronization is also available so you can be sure that your price and calendar are always updated instantly. Click here for instructions on connection Agoda to Tokeet.

We've been working hard to provide you more options to connect with Tokeet from the top distribution channels around the world. Agoda is another step in making Tokeet the obvious choice for any property manager in any market globally.

Please let us know if you have any questions, we're always happy to help. Thank you for being a Tokeet user.


Over the past few months we’ve been in discussions with Airbnb on a formal partnership agreement that will bring our companies closer together and allow a deeper integration between our two products. These discussions started in February and now, after 5 months of development, we’re happy to announce that Tokeet is an official partner of Airbnb. Even more exciting, we’re also officially announcing the release of a new Airbnb integration in Tokeet. This integration, which has been in beta for the past week, is faster, more powerful, and vastly more reliable than the previous Airbnb connection.

I understand that many of you have been affected by recent and frequent outages relating to the previous API connection with Airbnb, for this I sincerely apologize. During these outages we’ve been feverishly working with the Airbnb engineering and partnerships teams on a new integration with the sole purpose of improving the experience for you, our users. Today that new integration is available to you in your Tokeet account.

We plan for every customer to eventually move over to the new API and will ultimately discontinue the previous API connection. If you’ve ever had any issues with your Airbnb API connection then I recommend you make the switch immediately. It will only take a few minutes and instructions for switching are below.

We have more exciting announcements to make in the near future, but that’s all for now. Thank you for being a Tokeet user.

Switching to the new Airbnb API

Tokeet's new Airbnb API connection is live. This is a faster, and more reliable connection between Airbnb and Tokeet. Please follow the steps below to migrate your Airbnb accounts to the new API.

First disconnect the Airbnb API (OLD) accounts following the steps in this guide.

Disconnect a Channel Account

Then reconnect with Airbnb API (NEW).

Connecting to Airbnb API - New

Please let us know if you require further assistance. We're happy to help.


Two years ago I purchased my second vacation rental home, and just like you, I needed a system to help me manage it. I began researching all of the popular solutions and was surprised at how expensive and unusable many of them were. As a developer, I knew that a better solution was possible. So after much deliberation, I decided to leave my existing job, build a team, and start Tokeet with my own money.

On January 1st, 2016 Tokeet came out of Beta and we began advertising to the public. At the time we had a basic reservation manager and allowed only iCal synchronization. It was a simple product that some found useful, but many of you wanted more. We’ve worked tirelessly over the past 16 months to grow the product from these simple beginnings into an extensive platform filled with many of the features you need. 

It’s been a crazy period and we’ve moved fast, breaking a few (many) things along the way. We implemented your feedback quickly, often times the same day, and listened intently to everything you had to say. Our staff is filled with mostly engineers, even our support staff, and we simply love building things. We provided real-time customer support for every user, even the free accounts, and now have 24/7 real-time support with team members in 5 countries.

Tokeet has become popular in a big way. We’ve been growing rapidly, bursting at the seams, and simply cannot keep up without further significant investments. We’ve considered outside investors-- most of our competitors have already gone down this path, but every investor wants to change the way we work. Either by drastically increasing our price to match our competition, limiting our support and features, or focusing the company on larger customers. These are all contrary to what we believe and stand for as a company. Tokeet must remain a PMS for the masses and we don’t plan to compromise on customer support.
So now we’re forced to change the one thing which we’ve never changed: our price. We’ve kept the same pricing from the start, even after adding 4 new products to the platform. 

In most cases, Tokeet is 10% - 25% the price of our closest competitors. We plan to double our pricing on average to 20% - 50% of the competition pricing. This new pricing will take effect on May 1st and you can see it on our new pricing page.
This price change will allow us to continue in our current direction and expand our products and features. If you think we’re great now, wait till you see what we have for you in 2017. We plan to completely change this industry forever.

For those of you who have been with us from the beginning, you’ve seen us grow and helped us get better. All of you have been a part of our journey, and we’re immensely grateful to have you as our customers. We would like to reward your loyalty by offering you the chance to keep your existing pricing for the next year or two, no matter what else changes.

Customers who subscribe before May 1st may keep their current plan for the next 1-2 years by purchasing special one or two year plans which are billed one-time and upfront. These special yearly plans are not available online, so email us directly to inform us of your interest. Simply reply to this email. If we don't hear from you then you will automatically be switched to the new pricing after May 1st.

I personally thank you for being a part of the Tokeet journey and I am excited about our future. If you have any questions please ask our support team. Our best is still ahead of us.

Kwesi Steele
Founder, CEO, Vacation Rental Owner


We are very excited to announce our brand-new, fully integrated document signature feature called Tokeet Signature. With Tokeet Signature, there’s no need to use expensive electronic signature providers or require your guests to print, sign, scan, then send back rental agreements or other contracts.

With the new Signature feature, you can create multiple contract templates, automatically populate a template with your guest’s information, then send that contract directly to your guest. Your guest will receive a link to the contract which they can read and then sign from any device using a mouse or their finger. Once the contract is signed, both you and your guest will receive a digital copy for your records. There will also be a copy of the executed contract in your Tokeet File Cabinet for future reference.

This fully integrated electronic signature feature is designed to work seamlessly with other Tokeet features including automated triggers, message templates, the Tokeet data dictionary, and more.

By making the booking experience easier for your guests, Signature makes the process easier and more effective for you, too.

For more information about Signature, click here. And be on the lookout for more updates about new Tokeet features.