• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:
Updated: The photo ID request popup will not appear when the guest clicks the Submit button. This allows the guest to review and complete the contract, prior to the photo ID being submitted. Now, both contract and photo ID will be submitted at the same time, when the guest clicks the Submit button.

Updated: Users can now download a PDF of the original file they uploaded. This is done on the Templates page, by clicking the Edit button and selecting Download. Only PDF format will be supported for downloads.

Updated: The user role now shows under the profile name in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.

Fixed: Data tokens were parsing into the completed templates out of alignment, making text hard to read and/or messy-looking.

Fixed: There was a blue square appearing around the close icon on the My Signature modal.

Fixed: Property owners were receiving 2 copies of the signed contract.

Fixed: When sending a template manually, the inquiry selector was showing the email address incorrectly. The "." in .com was converted into "%2E".

Fixed: Template recipients were not able to type anything into the textbox in the template.

Fixed: Users were able to create templates that did not have required fields, allowing guests to submit empty contracts with no fields completed. This has been fixed, so the correction for any further affected users will be to re-save the templates, making sure the important fields like the signature field are marked as required. The signature field will be marked as required by default now.

Fixed: The location information on a completed contract was sometimes showing the wrong location. This will now correctly show the location where the IP address of the recipient is registered. In my case, while I live in Krabi, Thailand, my location shows as Bangkok, Thailand, where my ISP has registered the IP range.

Fixed: In the change password modal, the top field was being highlighted, which wasn't correct behavior.



Dashboard view not showing properly in Portrait mode (iPad)Display issue on ipads with the dashboard in portrait mode
Inbox view not showing properly (iPad)Display issue on ipads with the inbox page
Add "Clear all filters" icon to templates and custom codes pages- New Feature: added a button to clear all active filters on a page to the templates and custom codes pages


Allow guests to open and submit contracts, forms, and documents from multiple devices/browsers- New Feature: template recipients are no longer restricted to only viewing the signature template in the same browser and device that they first opened it with
Checkboxes revert to 'required' after making them not requiredFields added to a template were reverting to required, even if the user deselected that checkbox
Add random number data tokens in the data dictionaryRAND4 and RAND6 were added to the signature data dictionary. These allow 4 and 6-digit randomly generated numbers to be inserted into a template, for security/door locks.
Add driving directions data code to the data dictionary fieldsThe driving directions data code was added to the signature data dictionary



Absolute adjustments of 0 are no longer allowed- New Feature: 0 values are no longer allowed for absolute adjustments. it has to be a positive or negative integer, but not 0.
Strategies filter applied shows 0 data when we switch from the Rentals page to another page, and then back again- When a strategy filter is active on the rentals page, switching to other pages and back showed the rentals page as empty, even though a strategy filter is active with actual rentals.
Availability showing incorrectly for overlapping bookings- Overlapping bookings were showing incorrectly in the rates calendars
Grey overlay is shown on safari browser when user try to move to different page/year/month- Display issue in safari browser on macOS when moving forward or backwards in time on the rates calendar
Color indicator take more time to load when user has a high number of listings- The color bar that indicates sync status was causing large user accounts to load slowly
When a new booking is made, creating a new gap, new rates are not being generated- When new bookings came in, and a valid gap appeared in the calendar, the rates were not updating until the daily refresh. now the rates refresh the moment the gap appears.
0 percent does not remain sticky in Month and Day specific rules- 0 percent adjustments were not showing when editing a month or day-specific rule
On Rental overlay-'Reset' button on RG rental settings is not clearing data, user has to reopen the screen- The reset button on the rentals overlay was not clearing the data until the user refreshed the page
Error messages don't display on iPad- Display issue on ipads with error messages
Allow users to set values up to +300% in all percent adjustment fields- New Feature: percent adjustments can now go up to +300%.
Allow users to add/use the Day Specific Rule with the Genie Strategy- New Feature: the day-specific rule was previously not an option in the genie strategy. Now it is.
Allow users to select the same start and end date in Date Specific Rule- New Feature: users were only able to use the rule for a 2-day minimum. Now they can do it for single days by selecting the same start and end date.
Decimal values are no longer allowed- New Feature: decimal values are no longer allowed anywhere in the app - only integers.


Safari browser- success messages Tick mark icon is not showing throughout the app- Display issue with safari browser on macOS
Firefox and Safari browser- Strategies rules fields are overlapping with text and icons- Display issue with safari/firefox browsers
Gap night rule - min nights is not populated- Min night field would show as blank when editing a gap night rule
Add the Price Percentile selector to the Genie Strategy- New Feature: we added the price percentile option to the genie strategy, so now they can have the genie strategy generate rates for different price points
Show channel adjusted prices in red if the min or max rate is applied- New Feature: channel adjusted prices on the rates overlay calendar now appear in red if the min or max rate is applied
Multiple Edit options are opened when users click on the edit button on different rows in the List view- Clicking the edit button in multiple rows of the table meant the edit menu for each click was persistent, making a visual mess. Now you click on one, and then click on another edit button, and the previous edit menu disappears.
Booked dates that are showing in multi-calendar are not displayed on the standard calendar until I clicked on the 'refresh' button- Booked dates weren't showing properly on the rates overlay calendar, until the calendar was refreshed.
Rental listing with no mapping (like BDC, Expedia) should not be allowed to Turn On Sync- New Feature: if sync is turned off in RG for a listing, it cannot be turned on until there is a rate mapping created for that listing first. This does not affect Airbnb listings, which are auto-mapped.
Sometimes Rates calendar is not showing rates when user is logged in to Rate Genie- Some users were seeing the rates calendar appear blank, with a loading animation permanently cycling
Add a new tab for users to add notes to saved strategies- New Feature: a new tab was added to the strategies overlay, which will allow users to save notes for their team to read or respond to.


We have exciting news, folks! The most-powerful dynamic pricing tool has just gone mobile. Introducing, the Rategenie mobile app, available on iOS and Android.

Get The Rategenie App Now!

This full-featured mobile app will allow you to manage your rates the same as if you were at your desktop. We understand that pricing and promotional ideas can sometimes be spontaneous, and it might not be convenient to open a laptop at that exact location, in order to make the changes that you want. Now, you will never have to wait again, because the wait is over for the ultimate dynamic pricing tool on the market. Rategenie puts power in the palm of your hand!


We are super excited to announce the release of Signature, the third product in the Tokeet suite. Signature is an e-document management system designed for the short-term rental industry. We know that getting information to and from guests can be a tedious and time-consuming task, so we created Signature to make your lives easier. Signature is more than just an e-signature platform. With Signature, you can also send customized forms to your guests which they can complete on any device. This information is then stored in Tokeet for you to review at any time. You can also send customized documents using the guest and booking information, or custom codes that you create.

Best of all, Signature is completely integrated with Automata and the core Tokeet application so you can automate your document management, and your information is seamlessly shared across the entire suite of products. As always, Signature is easy to use and priced affordably.

Signature is free to use by all Tokeet users for the remainder of August. Simply go to the Signature login page and login with your Tokeet credentials. Only account admins my login at this time. To learn more about Signature please visit the Signature website.

Thanks for being Tokeet users.


We are very excited to announce our brand-new, fully integrated document signature feature called Tokeet Signature. With Tokeet Signature, there’s no need to use expensive electronic signature providers or require your guests to print, sign, scan, then send back rental agreements or other contracts.

With the new Signature feature, you can create multiple contract templates, automatically populate a template with your guest’s information, then send that contract directly to your guest. Your guest will receive a link to the contract which they can read and then sign from any device using a mouse or their finger. Once the contract is signed, both you and your guest will receive a digital copy for your records. There will also be a copy of the executed contract in your Tokeet File Cabinet for future reference.

This fully integrated electronic signature feature is designed to work seamlessly with other Tokeet features including automated triggers, message templates, the Tokeet data dictionary, and more.

By making the booking experience easier for your guests, Signature makes the process easier and more effective for you, too.

For more information about Signature, click here. And be on the lookout for more updates about new Tokeet features.