Owner Center Trial has Ended

We hope you've had a fantastic time exploring Owner Center during the evaluation period. Your overwhelming positive feedback has been heartwarming, and we're thrilled to see your excitement about the platform's potential to elevate your property management experience.

As a friendly reminder, the free 3-week trial period for Owner Center officially concluded on July 23rd, 2023. Today, July 24th marks the beginning of the subscription period, and we want to ensure a seamless transition for all our valued property managers.

Action Required: When you log in, a popup will appear, impacting your access to the platform. To continue using Owner Center and enjoy all its features, simply click the "Yes, Proceed" button. By doing so, you'll effortlessly transition into the subscription plan and unlock all the functionalities you've grown to love.

We're grateful for your unwavering support, and as a token of appreciation, we're delighted to offer an exclusive 7-day trial extension for subscribed users. This extra time allows you to delve further into Owner Center's capabilities, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your property management needs.

Our dedicated support team is here to assist you throughout this process. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@ownercenter.net. We're more than happy to help.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Owner Center community. Your input is invaluable to us, and we remain committed to delivering a seamless property management experience that empowers you to achieve your goals efficiently.

Owner Center Updates | July 22, 2021

We have made some tweaks in Owner Center and provided users with the facility to select Booking Formula Total and Booking Total (Earlier it was only Booking Total).
If Booking Total is selected:  Calculations will be performed on basis of Booking Total.
If Booking Formula Total is selected: Calculations will be performed on basis of Booking Formula Total and if Booking Formula is not specified then Booking Total will be used.

We have also made some UI/UX changes. Following changes have been deployed to production

Updated: While creating payout rules ability to select Booking Formula Total along with Booking Total

Updated: Payout rules, moved status toggle to the top

Updated: Added "Exclude from invoice" checkbox with each line item

Fixed: We have fixed an issue where Marriott logo was broken on owner multi calendar

Owner Center Updates | January 4, 2022

Updated: Added a button ‘Back to tokeet’ at the top right below the username.

Updated: [Portal] Added an arrow under the 'calendar' section to know there's a drop-down menu.

Fixed: [Invoices] When there was no payout rule, the payout field in the invoice used to describe “Manually entered amount”. Renamed the tooltip text to “No payout rule was selected”.

Fixed: [Invoices] Payable amount was not correct if a user added a Fee to the booking. This has been fixed.

Fixed: [Booking] [Owner Portal] Booking Total used to show the previous amount if a user changed the base charge of the booking in TV3. This issue has been fixed.

Owner Center Updates | December 30, 2021

Updated: Booking revenue is more important than the inquiry amounts. So, we have made ‘'Bookings' the default option on the Reports page. Previously, the default option was 'Inquires'. 

Updated: [Invoices] When the user hovers on the payable amount it displays a breakdown on the tooltip. 

Fixed: [Booking] Booking Total used to show the previous amount if a user changed the base charge of the booking in TV3. This issue has been fixed.

Owner Center Updates | December 22, 2021

Updated: Added the "Channel" Column as an option to download the bookings. Channel Column was not present as an option while downloading the booking earlier.

Updated: [Payout Rule] Added a help article on the Payout rule popup.


Updated: [Payout Rule] Replaced the help article on the Payout rules page.


Fixed: [Bookings] If a user had downloaded bookings then the file was not showing all the bookings due to a special character in the guest name. This has been fixed.

Owner Center Updates | November 26, 2021

Updated: [Statements] When the user hovers on the payout amount it displays a breakdown on the tooltip. 

Updated: [Menus] Added a Tooltip on every menu item at the top.

Updated: [Payment Gateways] Updated the font size and color of the "Back to gateways" button on the Payment gateway detail screen.

Updated: Added Owner Invoice help article on the Invoices page https://www.tokeet.com/help/owner-management/creating-owner-invoices

Updated: Redesigned the Portal Customisation page. Moved the logo section to the right-hand side and moved the notice section to the left-hand side under the domain.

Updated: [Dashboard] Spaced out the booking list to take out the missing space on the right.

Owner Center Updates | June 1, 2021

Updated: [Owner Portal ->Statements] Updated the subtitle text to "Select a statement to view, or print."

Fixed: [Owner Portal] Booking Fees doesn't show separately on the booking details popup.

Fixed: [Owner Portal] Taxes and Additional Guest Fee values are not displayed on the booking details popup.

Fixed: [Owner Portal] Discount values are not displayed on the booking details popup.

Fixed: Webready's total was not factoring in on the Owner's report. This has been fixed.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: [Default Gateway] Update the invoice codes to be SCA compliant.

Fixed: [OC Portal] Pay with Card button is not visible in Invoices.

Fixed: [Default Gateway] While a property manager creates an invoice, the system must check to see if the default gateway is added.

Fixed: [Owner Rentals] Edit option is not clickable.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

UPDATED: [Dashboard] Limit the character count to 30 on the user name which displays in the top menu.

UPDATED: [Calendar] Add Hold Event pop up extends across the screen.

UPDATED: [Statements and Invoices] Add "Webready" as an option in the Channels dropdown

FIXED: [Channels] Right side of the overlay is being cut off.

FIXED: [Payout Rules] Channel field is not updating the value. 

FIXED: Hide [Channels] page. 
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