• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes for this period, including:

Fixed: Users with a valid Tokeet trial were being shown the banner saying that Automata would not work without a valid subscription, even though the app was still fully functional. This banner now only shows when there is no Automata subscription, and a Tokeet account is no longer on trial.

Fixed: The Insert Link button for inserting hyperlinks into a template was not working for some users. This has been fixed.

Fixed: The *|RENTAL:WEBSITES|* data token was not properly inserting the Tokeet website URL into outgoing templates. This has been fixed.

Fixed: When editing templates in multiple triggers, the first template that was edited was being assigned to the other triggers that were edited afterward. This has been fixed now.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:
Updated: We have added a new filter for Rental Amenities in the Rategenie filter list.

Fixed: We have truncated the user name when the username is too long so that the UI is not disturbed.

Fixed: We have removed the year selection option for the Seasonal rule in order to avoid the wrong rates issue due to overlapping years.

Fixed: For the Seasonal rule, when there was a leap year, rates were not showing correctly on the rates calendar page. This is fixed now.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this year, including:

Fixed: When an inquiry-related data token was included in a Signature contract, sending the contract using an Automata trigger would sometimes result in only the Tokeet User receiving the contract, and not the guest. After the fix, the Tokeet User and the guest receive the triggered contract in all situations.

Fixed: When a trigger was unsuccessful, and an error message was available for the situation, the error log was no longer visible in the dashboard. After the fix, the error log is now available for an unsuccessful trigger that has qualified error messages. This can be viewed on the Recent Activity page, with the Error Log action, or on the trigger activity tab, by clicking on an event entry in the table.

Fixed: On the Booking Details overlay, the Messages tab was no longer showing the messages that had been sent for the booking. After the fix, messages that were not visible before will now be shown.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: Added an alert in the bell icon section for disabled/pending listings of any channel, to help users to quickly fix the issue of disabled/pending listings in Tokeet.

Updated: On the Rates multi-calendar view, we have added the ability to click and drag both horizontally and vertically, in order to add a manual rate for multiple rentals in one go.

Updated: We have added info text for Airbnb listings, while adding an additional guest fee rule through the strategy page.

Fixed: On the rates multi-calendar page, users should be redirected to the current day, by default.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes for this period, including:
Fixed: On the Booking page, the Last Triggered column was no longer showing the last trigger that fired. This issue did not prevent triggers from firing, and has now been resolved.

Fixed: Triggers were no longer firing for task events. The issue has been resolved, and task triggers now fire as expected.


  • New version 1.0.6 of Rategenie Mobile app has been published to the App Store and Google Play!

Updated: We have added a new seasonal rule.

Updated: We have added a new custom occupancy strategy.

Updated: Added the build version number at the bottom left on the menu screen.

Updated: On the metrics tab, we have added global year selection.

Fixed: On the market data tab for a rental, we have implemented sorting to get the latest 12 months' data.

Fixed: On the Rentals section, we have removed the bathroom filter option.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: We have introduced the new Custom Occupancy in Rategenie. Now, with custom occupancy, the user has the option to define their own occupancy range. Using that range, they can adjust rates up and down depending on their needs.

Updated: On the strategies list view, we have updated the rate strategies video to include the overview for our new custom occupancy strategy.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: We have introduced the new Seasonal rule in Rategenie. Now with the seasonal rule, you can set a different base rate, minimum rate, maximum rate and minimum nights for different seasons throughout the year.

Updated: After user login on the Rategenie page, we have added an in-app pop-up message along with a video to help our users to get all the details about our new seasonal rule.

Updated: We have updated the min night hierarchy after the addition of the new seasonal rule. The updated min night hierarchy is: 

  1. Manual rate
  2. Gap night rule
  3. Date specific rule
  4. Last-minute rule
  5. Seasonal rule
  6. Advance booking rule
  7. Minimum night rule
  8. Rental rate settings
  9. Strategy details


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Fixed: Tokeet Widget triggers were not firing for inquires created via widget. A change has been made to the inquiry widget HTML code, that will not allow Automata to capture these events. You will need to make the inquiry widget again in TV3, in order to copy the updated HTML code to your website.

Fixed: Trigger conditions were not visible for triggers that had a hyphen in the trigger name. This issue has been corrected, and the pre-made samples have had any hyphens removed, in order to prevent future conflicts.

Fixed: Webhook service experienced a brief interruption in operation. This issue was quickly resolved, and webhook triggers should operate properly now.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes since the last update, including:

Updated: We have introduced fingerprint login. Now you can log in using your fingerprint without entering a username and password each time.
  1. Login with your account.
  2. The Biometrics login splash screen will be shown once. It won’t be shown again after you press the cancel or enable button. 
  3. Press Enable Biometrics login button and verify your fingerprint. You can go back to this screen later to enable/disable biometrics login by going to the Sidebar menu -> Settings -> Biometrics Login
  4. There is a checkbox shown after you enable biometrics login: Verify <Touch ID | Face ID | Biometrics> "on app start?", if you check this checkbox, each time the app opens it will require biometrics verification.
  5. Next, log out. Now on the Login screen, you should see a button with the fingerprint icon next to the Login button. Press on it.
  6. If you have a single account with biometrics login enabled, it will prompt you for a fingerprint scan immediately.
  7. If you have many accounts with biometrics login enabled, it will show a popup with a list of accounts. Select 1 account to log in.
Updated: We have implemented a Check for TV3 rate mappings with auto-sync active, to prevent duplicate rate pushes.

Updated: We have added a Sorting option throughout the app on all list views.

Updated: We have removed the label “Airbnb API (NEW)” throughout the app and change it to "Airbnb API".

Updated: We have Implemented Live chat for the Mobile app as well. Now you will be able to contact support through the mobile app.

Updated: For canceled subscriptions and past due status, we have implemented the banner on all pages to inform users that they need to subscribe to Rategenie.

Updated: We have replaced the hamburger icon with the Rategenie logo to open the sidebar within the app.

Updated: We have restricted the min night value to 365 nights on the mobile app, to match the same restriction on the web app.

Fixed: The Edit button was not appearing when rental names were very long.

Fixed: Rental name was not showing in the list view of Rentals when the rental name was all numerals.

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