• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes since the last update, including:

Updated: We have introduced fingerprint login. Now you can log in using your fingerprint without entering a username and password each time.
  1. Login with your account.
  2. The Biometrics login splash screen will be shown once. It won’t be shown again after you press the cancel or enable button. 
  3. Press Enable Biometrics login button and verify your fingerprint. You can go back to this screen later to enable/disable biometrics login by going to the Sidebar menu -> Settings -> Biometrics Login
  4. There is a checkbox shown after you enable biometrics login: Verify <Touch ID | Face ID | Biometrics> "on app start?", if you check this checkbox, each time the app opens it will require biometrics verification.
  5. Next, log out. Now on the Login screen, you should see a button with the fingerprint icon next to the Login button. Press on it.
  6. If you have a single account with biometrics login enabled, it will prompt you for a fingerprint scan immediately.
  7. If you have many accounts with biometrics login enabled, it will show a popup with a list of accounts. Select 1 account to log in.
Updated: We have implemented a Check for TV3 rate mappings with auto-sync active, to prevent duplicate rate pushes.

Updated: We have added a Sorting option throughout the app on all list views.

Updated: We have removed the label “Airbnb API (NEW)” throughout the app and change it to "Airbnb API".

Updated: We have Implemented Live chat for the Mobile app as well. Now you will be able to contact support through the mobile app.

Updated: For canceled subscriptions and past due status, we have implemented the banner on all pages to inform users that they need to subscribe to Rategenie.

Updated: We have replaced the hamburger icon with the Rategenie logo to open the sidebar within the app.

Updated: We have restricted the min night value to 365 nights on the mobile app, to match the same restriction on the web app.

Fixed: The Edit button was not appearing when rental names were very long.

Fixed: Rental name was not showing in the list view of Rentals when the rental name was all numerals.