• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

UPDATED: [OC Portal] Add the user profile type underneath the user name in Owner Center.  

UPDATED: [Owners] Country field is not a dropdown.     

UPDATED: [Owner Booking Section] - To indicate channel. 

FIXED: [Owners] Adding a gateway "Assign Owner" field should properly set in OC.  

FIXED: [OC Portal] Giving Property Manager a disable setting to hide their property listing info from Property Owners. 

FIXED:  [OC Portal Invoices] [Support Ticket] Owner invoice issue.

FIXED: [Owners] "Hide personal data" functionality not working.  


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this year, including:
Updated: The subject and message body for outgoing emails can now be customized for each template. The Edit Template modal now shows an Edit Message button, which will allow you to add your own email subject and body, that will replace the default text sent by Signature. Be sure to click the Save button for the changes to take effect.

Updated: When trying to save a contract or form, there are certain fields that are required in order to make the contract or form template valid. The Save button is disabled until the required fields are placed in the template. There is now a tooltip on the Save button to explain which required fields are missing from the template, in order to provide better guidance when completing the template creation process.

Fixed: *|RENTAL:DIRECTIONS|* & *|RENTAL: WEBSITES|* were not being replaced with the correct values when a Signature template was sent to a recipient using Automata triggers. After the fix, the correct driving directions and website URLs, for the associated rental, are now correctly populating the areas of the template where the data tokens have been inserted.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: Added an alert in the bell icon section for disabled/pending listings of any channel, to help users to quickly fix the issue of disabled/pending listings in Tokeet.

Updated: On the Rates multi-calendar view, we have added the ability to click and drag both horizontally and vertically, in order to add a manual rate for multiple rentals in one go.

Updated: We have added info text for Airbnb listings, while adding an additional guest fee rule through the strategy page.

Fixed: On the rates multi-calendar page, users should be redirected to the current day, by default.

Announcing the Tokeet Affiliate Program

We are pleased to announce the official launch of Tokeet’s Affiliate Program. The program will reward affiliate partners with a 20% monthly commission for recommending our services to paying users. This commission is paid for the first 12 months of the referral’s paid subscription.

An affiliate program is simply a marketing tool employed by companies to incentivize the process of recommending visitors or paying customers to a service. After many years of requests from our users for a structured, incentive-driven customer referral program, the decision was made to launch The Tokeet Affiliate Program.

How does it work?

Potential affiliates should sign-up for the program and await approval of their application. Once approved, affiliates will be given tracking links from our affiliate software to be used for tracking their referrals. When a new potential user registers, at the end of the registration process, we will keep track of that user and associate them with your affiliate account. We will then pay you a 20% monthly commission of the Tokeet (TV3) subscription, for up to 12 months. This commission does not apply to Tokeet add-ons.

How to set-up your Affiliate account

Just click on the sign-up link and you will be taken to the partner sign up page. Affiliates can complete the registration form and submit it to get started. Upon completion, our team will make sure everything is in order and approve your application. Then an email would be sent containing login credentials to your own affiliate account. The email will also include a video walkthrough for setting up your affiliate account. You may then click into the “offers” section of your affiliate dashboard to obtain a unique link that can be passed on to potential subscribers or users. Your referrals MUST click this link in order to be tracked and credited to your affiliate account.

What are the benefits?

There is no investment required nor do you need to be a Tokeet user to get started and we are prepared to provide supporting materials such as online courses and tutorials, to aid the success of our partners. In exchange for each referral that is converted to a paying customer, we are offering a 20% commission of the monthly subscription fee for each new customer that is referred. Unlike other affiliate programs, our partners will receive the commissionable fee for up to a year. Please see our FAQ if you have further questions.


  • New version 1.0.6 of Rategenie Mobile app has been published to the App Store and Google Play!

Updated: We have added a new seasonal rule.

Updated: We have added a new custom occupancy strategy.

Updated: Added the build version number at the bottom left on the menu screen.

Updated: On the metrics tab, we have added global year selection.

Fixed: On the market data tab for a rental, we have implemented sorting to get the latest 12 months' data.

Fixed: On the Rentals section, we have removed the bathroom filter option.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes for these months, including:
Fixed: [Account Info] Error message shows up while deleting an account

Fixed: [API] Expedia API needs header removed

Fixed: [Automation] "Airbnb API" channel option is not being saved on triggers in Tokeet

Fixed: [Billing Info] Plan doesn't update when I increase or decrease the number of Rentals using the counter

Fixed: [Billing Info] On page load, add-on plans display the price for the current rental count, instead of the actual paid plan

Fixed: [Billing Info] User shouldn't be able to add a Credit Card without Name

Fixed: [Bookings] When creating a manual booking the base rate is showing more than 2 decimal places

Fixed: [Calendar] Rental Overlay's rate calendar is loading slowly

Fixed: [Channels] Connection shows in Red till I refresh the page

Fixed: [Data Feeds] Data Feeds currently giving 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error

Fixed: [Inquiries] Inquiries list prevented from loading

Fixed: [Inquiries] Record Mark as Paid, Mark as Unpaid in the Inquiry Log

Fixed: [Inquiries] Additional Guest Fee is not displayed on bookings

Fixed: [Inquiries] when creating a manual booking the base rate is showing more than 2 decimal places

Fixed: [Inquiries->Flights] Validation message doesn't display for highlighted fields

Fixed: [Invoices] Notes doesn't display in Preview of an invoice

Fixed: [Invoices] Add the ability to add negative line items to invoices - Total invoice must still be positive due to payment gateways requiring invoices to be positive, but negative entries can be added to invoices to add discounts or deductions as required

Fixed: [Multi Calendar] Filters don't remain saved for Property Manager and House Staff roles

Fixed: [Payments] When I create a Payment Rule for a channel it doesn't show in the table

Updated: [Rates] "Last Sync" timestamp only updates for the first Rate Mapping. - Category was removed.

Fixed: [Rates] "Select All/Unselect All" checkbox not working properly


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes for this period, including:

Updated: Users can now modify the text that shows when requesting a photo ID. In the Edit Template modal, select Passport, National ID, or both. The text shown to the signer, when requesting the photo ID will specify the selected ID type. Any pre-existing templates that request a photo ID will default to the National ID option.

Updated: To make use of the feature easier to understand, the Assign Inquiry action will always be visible on saved templates in your inbox. This will allow you to change the TV3 inquiry that the contract is assigned to, Previously, this action would only become visible if the assigned inquiry was deleted in TV3.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: We have introduced the new Custom Occupancy in Rategenie. Now, with custom occupancy, the user has the option to define their own occupancy range. Using that range, they can adjust rates up and down depending on their needs.

Updated: On the strategies list view, we have updated the rate strategies video to include the overview for our new custom occupancy strategy.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: We have introduced the new Seasonal rule in Rategenie. Now with the seasonal rule, you can set a different base rate, minimum rate, maximum rate and minimum nights for different seasons throughout the year.

Updated: After user login on the Rategenie page, we have added an in-app pop-up message along with a video to help our users to get all the details about our new seasonal rule.

Updated: We have updated the min night hierarchy after the addition of the new seasonal rule. The updated min night hierarchy is: 

  1. Manual rate
  2. Gap night rule
  3. Date specific rule
  4. Last-minute rule
  5. Seasonal rule
  6. Advance booking rule
  7. Minimum night rule
  8. Rental rate settings
  9. Strategy details


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes since the last update, including:

Updated: Implemented Biometrics login. This is how it is supposed to works.
  1. Login with your account.
  2. The Biometrics login splash screen will be shown once. It won’t be shown again after you press the cancel or enable button.
  3. Press Enable Biometrics login button and verify your fingerprint. You can go back to this screen later to enable/disable biometrics login by going to the Sidebar menu -> Settings -> Biometrics Login.
  4. There is a checkbox shown after you enable biometrics login: "Verify Biometrics on app start?", if you check this checkbox, each time the app opens, it will require biometrics verification.
  5. Next logout. Now on the Login screen, you should see a button with the fingerprint icon next to the Login button. Press on it.
  6. If you have a single account with biometrics login enabled, it will prompt you for fingerprint scan immediately.
  7. If you have many accounts with biometrics login enabled, it will show a popup with a list of accounts. Select 1 account to login.
Updated: Provided ability to users to manage & authorize their Airbnb account from the mobile app. To connect your Airbnb account navigate to Settings / Connect with Airbnb tab.

Updated: Displayed Rental images in the Rentals module. If you have marked an image as primary it will display in the list. If no image is marked primary, then the first image in the Gallery will display.

Updated: Center-aligned headers for Android devices.

Updated: In the Rates module under the Settings tab - added a warning message if Base Rate is missing. 

Updated: Added tooltip as placeholder text in Universal Search.

Updated: Add the word "last" to the description under the Invoice Summary values.

Updated: Displayed associated Rate Mapping in Red color after unlinking a Rental from Channel.

Updated: In Rentals module under Location tab updated map to include Satellite option.

Fixed: Changed header when converting Hold Event to a Booking.

Fixed: Notes disappear when we save an invoice on mobile. This is now fixed.

Fixed: Updated validation messages, field labels, and fixed typos.
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