• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes since the last update, including:

Updated: Implemented Biometrics login. This is how it is supposed to works.
  1. Login with your account.
  2. The Biometrics login splash screen will be shown once. It won’t be shown again after you press the cancel or enable button.
  3. Press Enable Biometrics login button and verify your fingerprint. You can go back to this screen later to enable/disable biometrics login by going to the Sidebar menu -> Settings -> Biometrics Login.
  4. There is a checkbox shown after you enable biometrics login: "Verify Biometrics on app start?", if you check this checkbox, each time the app opens, it will require biometrics verification.
  5. Next logout. Now on the Login screen, you should see a button with the fingerprint icon next to the Login button. Press on it.
  6. If you have a single account with biometrics login enabled, it will prompt you for fingerprint scan immediately.
  7. If you have many accounts with biometrics login enabled, it will show a popup with a list of accounts. Select 1 account to login.
Updated: Provided ability to users to manage & authorize their Airbnb account from the mobile app. To connect your Airbnb account navigate to Settings / Connect with Airbnb tab.

Updated: Displayed Rental images in the Rentals module. If you have marked an image as primary it will display in the list. If no image is marked primary, then the first image in the Gallery will display.

Updated: Center-aligned headers for Android devices.

Updated: In the Rates module under the Settings tab - added a warning message if Base Rate is missing. 

Updated: Added tooltip as placeholder text in Universal Search.

Updated: Add the word "last" to the description under the Invoice Summary values.

Updated: Displayed associated Rate Mapping in Red color after unlinking a Rental from Channel.

Updated: In Rentals module under Location tab updated map to include Satellite option.

Fixed: Changed header when converting Hold Event to a Booking.

Fixed: Notes disappear when we save an invoice on mobile. This is now fixed.

Fixed: Updated validation messages, field labels, and fixed typos.