We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: The channel filter is now available for Invoice Created and Invoice Paid events. This was previously restricted.

Updated: Tooltips have been added to the automation activity logs to increase the amount of information available when reviewing automation activity.

Updated: Tooltips have been added to the Automations table to provide more information when reviewing your list of automations.

Fixed: Users were temporarily unable to access the app through the login page or the addons button in TV3. This issue has been resolved.

Fixed: Text inserted through data fields were misaligned near the bottom of longer documents in the inbox and the preview. This issue has been resolved.

Fixed: When sending to some guests, a bad email error message was returned, causing the send to fail. This issue has been resolved.


Below, you can find the new changes that were made.

Updated: (Rental) Allow to Add a "Custom Value" for rental max/min sleep- Now User will be able to add a Max and Min sleep by adding any custom value for their rental inside Rategenie.
Fixed: Label issue on the Pricing page both in the application and website. 1st was labeled as '1th'. It's corrected now.
Fixed: Custom occupancy should consider occupancy for the whole month and not from the current date/day. Previously it was taking occupancy from the current day. This is fixed now.
Fixed: Custom occupancy: No occupancy adjustment was getting applied when the booking start date was from the last month and ending in future months. This is fixed now.
Fixed: Custom occupancy: 0 occupancy should have also picked up for the defined interval range 0-10. When there was no occupancy then the defined rate interval 0-10 values were not getting applied. This is fixed now. 

Introducing the new look of Signature!

Our world-class e-signing application just got a whole lot better. For years, you have been able to rely on Signature to create professional-quality documents for all of your legal needs. Whether that was requesting a signature for a lease agreement, retrieving key personal information with a guest form, or sending an easy-to-read printout, our users have made excellent use of Signature’s features, and we have definitely taken notice.

As a result of your excellent feedback, we have been hard at work on making improvements to our class-leading feature set. There is a lot to look forward to with this bold, new update.

A fresh new look!

The first thing that you will notice is that the UI has been completely redesigned. There is now more space to work, text is clean and easier to read, and the colors pop. The number of button clicks required to perform any particular action has been reduced. You will find navigating from point A to point B is now quicker and smoother.

Easier to use!

We heard your concerns about some features not being intuitive enough. We took that feedback and created the most easy-to-use interface on the market. Easy-click filters speed up the process of finding what you are looking for. Prominent placement of key action buttons, so that you are no longer clicking through menus to find the action you want. Tooltips, as well as help guide and video links, adorn every page and overlay, to ensure that information is always just a click away.

More powerful than ever before!

You wanted automations? Well, now you have them. Send your templates automatically, based on various booking events, an industry first! In the near future, we will be adding custom events that further expand this functionality. Preview your templates and documents while still in the editor. Now you can check to see if the fields you inserted will match the text in the file you uploaded.

All new pricing!

Along with the many improvements, we’re also introducing a new pricing plan that will make Signature even more affordable than before. Rather than selecting a plan based on the number of rentals in your account, why not pay only for what you use? The new pricing structure for Signature will charge you only for the templates you send to your contacts. This applies to templates sent using the send template feature, as well as templates sent using the new automations feature. The price decreases the more templates you send. Learn more about the new Signature pricing plan here.

Unbeatable value!

We have one more surprise for you. Signature can also be used completely for free. You read that right. We will now offer the ability to send and sign documents for no cost. With the new sign or send feature, you can create a one-time document and send it to any contacts in your address book, and users on your team, or you can type in a one-time recipient to be the signer. Simply prepare the document for signing, and send. There will be no cost at all. We wanted to deliver not only class-leading performance, and also unbeatable value. Sign in now, or register a new account, to give the new version of Signature a try! Signature, the ultimate solution for all your e-signing needs.


We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:
Updated - [New Rategenie subs from TV3 billing info page] Add a tooltip to redirect users toward the Rategenie billing page- We have added a tooltip on the TV3 billing page so that we can guide users to go to the Rategenie billing page for unsubs
Fixed - Migration issue causing the user to stop creating new rentals - There was an issue where users were not able to create new rentals inside Rategenie due to switching between Tokeet and Sympl multiple times.
Updated - [Strategy] Tooltips missing from Strategy type- When we mouse hover on the strategies name from the list of strategies then tooltips for different strategy types were missing. Tooltips are added now.
Updated - Added an option to Unsubs from Rategenie on Rategenie billing page in new UI
Updated - Replaced Rategenie new UI screenshots with the Rategenie new Walkthrough video
Updated - Listing page-Old UI: Label and tooltip should be according to new UI for Tokeet sync- On the Listings page in Rategenie, we have replaced the Tokeet Sync label with ‘Channel Manager’ sync to cover Tokeet/Sympl and Webready.
Fixed - User profile image: A user previously had to reload the page to see the updated image. This is fixed now.
Updated - On the Rates calendar rates break down, we have changed the label from Local Events to 'Special Events' to be consistent with the ‘Special Event’ rule label.
Fixed - Special Event rule max KM range label issue- Previously the label was saying min KM range is 10, even though that was the max KM range. This labeling issue has been fixed.
Fixed - The Appstore billing page did not show correct pricing when a user was subscribed to the Rategenie application. This has been fixed now.
Fixed - Room ID label was missing in connection detail view for all channels. This is fixed now.
Fixed - POP up for new UI keep was coming despite checking the box to 'don't show this message again. This has been fixed now.
Updated - For Rategenie stand-alone application we have redirected new Sympl users on the app store to subscribe to a paid plan.
Updated - The new Rategenie users will be subscribed according to new Rategenie rental base pricing plans.


We have added a new feature in Rategenie called "Length of Stay (LOS) discounts". Using this option, you will be able to set different length of stay discounts. Length-of-stay discounts apply to the length you choose or longer. For example, weekly discounts apply to reservations that are 7 days or longer. If you offer multiple length-of-stay discounts, the longest discount will be applied.

Please note that currently, LOS discounts are available only for the channels Tokeet/Sympl and Webready.


We have added a new Rategenie feature which allows users to estimate the cost of any booking using the Cost estimator feature on the Rates calendar page. Now, using the Cost Estimator feature, you can estimate the cost of your bookings on different channels like Airbnb,, etc without using the Tokeet channel manager. Simply go to the Actions button in Rategenie and click on Estimator and then follow the steps on the pop-up screen.

Please note that rental base rate settings are required in order to view the rates for any booking.

For more detail, please go through the Rategenie help guide:


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this year, including:

Fixed: When completing a form, guests were unable to enter any value into text fields. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When submitting a completed template, the Terms of Service popup was not displaying correctly. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: Some users were unable to send templates to guests due to incorrect account information. This issue has been fixed.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this year, including:
Updated: A new Automata Portal has been added to the Help widget. This allows users to submit and vote on suggestions for new features in the app.

Updated: The Exclusion List switch, on the trigger overlay, has been given a label, to go along with the tooltip that was already in place. This should make it easier to understand what the switch does.

Updated: Sympl and Checklist logos were added to the login page. This allows users to quickly navigate to those new products directly from the Automata login page.

Fixed: Message templates were assigned to the wrong triggers. This occurred when editing multiple templates in multiple triggers. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: The delete button on the Templates page was enabled, even when no templates were selected in the list. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When editing the column headers on the Triggers and Bookings pages, the column options were displayed in multiple rows. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When inserting a hyperlink into a template, the URL field was not visible through the sides of the template body window. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When a contract trigger fired, the guest name and channel name were not properly displayed on the Recent Activity page. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: Some users received a bad request error message that was appearing when attempting to save a template or trigger. The template and trigger would still save correctly, but the error message created some confusion. This issue has been fixed.

Fixed: When creating a workflow from a sample, the different sample options were not displaying the correct collection of triggers. This issue has been fixed.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: We have introduced a new Custom Feed strategy in Rategenie. Using this strategy, users will be able to feed their custom rates for each day by manually uploading a CSV from their computer or by entering a public feed URL of their custom rates that we will use to pull the feed data at least once per day.

Updated: On the strategies list view page, we have updated the strategies overview video to include a brief introduction to our new Custom Feed strategy.

Updated: After user login on the Rategenie page, we have added an in-app wizard to help our Rategenie users to get all the details about our latest Custom Feed strategy and other new features that we have added in Rategenie

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