Rategenie Updates | October 25, 2021

We have made a number of updates and bug fixes, including:

  • Updated: We have Added "SAR - Saudi Arabian Riyal" as currency for rentals.
  • Updated:  On Rentals detail view: Sleep Min & Max fields are converted to text fields.
  • Fixed: Day-specific rule was Showing percentage sign on the list view for absolute adjustment. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed: Date-specific rule entries are now displayed in order of the dates on the list view of strategy rules.

TV3 UPDATES | Oct 25 - 29, 2021

Bug Fixes:

[Guests] Saving the guest record removes the added Notes

New Features:

[Integrations] Update the in-app Integrations page with following integrations

[User Settings] Add tooltip text below the Phone field as well

Edit Book a Demo, and Schedule Onboarding Buttons to be Visible to new users for 1 month after trial expiration

Show Green Phone button a month after trial

Book Demo - Pricing Page

TV3 UPDATES | Oct 18 - 22, 2021

Bug Fixes:


[Login] Margins app should redirect to Reports page on tokeet

New Features:

[Website] List all channels under Booking.com on Integrations page

[Website] List all channels under Expedia group on Integrations page

[Website] List all channels under VRBO family on integrations page

[Amplitude] default-inquiries-view-list event missing in Amplitude

[Website] On the integrations page list all integrations category wise like Smoobu

First Login UX

TV3 UPDATES | Oct 11 - 15, 2021

Bug Fixes:

[BDC Messaging Service] Remove the email address which shows in front of Guest Name

Quote details doesn't display on BDC message

If I include template in a message, Subject shouldn't display in sent message

Formatting and Links are lost when a message shows in BDC

Line break doesn't display when tokeet trigger message is sent to BDC

[Agoda Content] Bug when trying to select rental for Content API


LOS Discounts in TV3

Rategenie Updates | October 11, 2021

We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: Added a banner for multi-language support after user logged in to the application

Updated: Added an indicator on the rates break down for min and max rate values. It will help property managers to understand which min , max rate value is getting applied on rates break down. Min, max rates values can be applied from Rental rate settings, Strategy settings or Seasonal rule settings.

Updated: Only admins should be able to access Billing Info page. Other role users will not be able to access billing page in Rategenie now.

Rategenie is now available in multiple languages!

We're thrilled to announce that Rategenie is now available in the following languages:

Spanish, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, English

Changing your language is very easy and can be done on the login page or by clicking on your profile while already logged in to the application. For further details please click here to read the multi-language help article.

TV3 UPDATES | Oct 04 - 08, 2021

Bug Fixes:

While using RG, min nights validation is still picked up according to the standard rate settings of TV3 rate.

[Channels->Airbnb] Need to push availability update if rental changes

[Mobile] [Update Quote Details] LOS Discount not available in update quote details section

[Mobile] Fees and Discount not applied on quotes send via message on mobile

[Mobile] Fees and Discount not shown for bookings on mobile 

[Mobile App] The cleaning fee is not included in the booking total which is displayed on the booking details overview tab.

[Inquiries] Automata trigger workflow doesn't display when I click on automata icon

[Automations] When this trigger fires, email is sent to guest but not to Tokeet account user

New Features:

User should be directly taken to Billing Info page when their trial is ending

Please add following events in amplitude

Please design a Reports page for TV3 website

User should be able to create discount codes in TV3 

TV3 UPDATES | Sep 27 - Oct 01, 2021

Bug Fixes:

[Rentals] Remove "NaN" from exported Rental data

[Close Account] UX improvements

[Forgot Password] Button text should be white. Also, provided email should show in parenthesis

[Forgot Password] Tokeet logo should display as favicon image 

[Forgot Password] User shouldn't be able to proceed to next step with out entering email.

[Forgot Password] Highlighted error message shouldn't display if I don't fill in "Repeat new Password" field

(Rental) Add a "Custom Value" check box

[Account Info] As we have moved the Close Account button on the Billing Info page so hide highlighted text

[Inquiry Message] Tokeet link should take user to the Inquiry messages popup

New Features:

[Notes] Add date in notes section

Add Book a Demo, and Schedule Onboarding Buttons to the APP

Billing Info Page - Add "Close Account" button and "Update Card"

[Community] Add NoRobots tag to http headers

[Checklist Integration] Create Checklist Notes


Booking Fees


Updated: Redesigned Tokeet pricing page. You can see the new page here


Updated: Added Rental ID under the Basic Information tab on Rental

Updated: Provided ability to download rentals from Rentals list

Fixed: We have fixed few issues related to Booking Fees

Fixed: We have fixed an issue where users in GMT +12 timezone are seeing wrong Check-in/out time on Invoices

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