TV3 UPDATES | Sep 27 - Oct 01, 2021

Bug Fixes:

[Rentals] Remove "NaN" from exported Rental data

[Close Account] UX improvements

[Forgot Password] Button text should be white. Also, provided email should show in parenthesis

[Forgot Password] Tokeet logo should display as favicon image 

[Forgot Password] User shouldn't be able to proceed to next step with out entering email.

[Forgot Password] Highlighted error message shouldn't display if I don't fill in "Repeat new Password" field

(Rental) Add a "Custom Value" check box

[Account Info] As we have moved the Close Account button on the Billing Info page so hide highlighted text

[Inquiry Message] Tokeet link should take user to the Inquiry messages popup

New Features:

[Notes] Add date in notes section

Add Book a Demo, and Schedule Onboarding Buttons to the APP

Billing Info Page - Add "Close Account" button and "Update Card"

[Community] Add NoRobots tag to http headers

[Checklist Integration] Create Checklist Notes


Booking Fees