TV3 UPDATES | Oct 04 - 08, 2021

Bug Fixes:

While using RG, min nights validation is still picked up according to the standard rate settings of TV3 rate.

[Channels->Airbnb] Need to push availability update if rental changes

[Mobile] [Update Quote Details] LOS Discount not available in update quote details section

[Mobile] Fees and Discount not applied on quotes send via message on mobile

[Mobile] Fees and Discount not shown for bookings on mobile 

[Mobile App] The cleaning fee is not included in the booking total which is displayed on the booking details overview tab.

[Inquiries] Automata trigger workflow doesn't display when I click on automata icon

[Automations] When this trigger fires, email is sent to guest but not to Tokeet account user

New Features:

User should be directly taken to Billing Info page when their trial is ending

Please add following events in amplitude

Please design a Reports page for TV3 website

User should be able to create discount codes in TV3