We love spending time analyzing how users interact with Tokeet, and trying to put ourselves in the mind of the user. We gather every bit of information we can about user interactions and navigation paths. With this information we try to formulate new ways to make Tokeet even more user friendly. This was the genesis of our new inbox, which we hope will increase your productivity for the majority of use cases.

The Advanced Inbox condenses a number of different pages into one seamless experience for quicker utilization. You can quickly view and send messages, view and update booking details, and update guest details all from one screen. No more navigating around to get things done.

You can get to the Advanced Inbox by going to your current inquiries inbox and clicking the yellow Action button, then selecting Advanced Inbox. If you like the new inbox then you may make it your default by selecting the Default Inbox option above the inquiries list on the Advanced Inbox page.

We would love your feedback on this new inbox so let us know if it makes your life easier and how.