• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:

Updated: The send to guest option was removed from rate events. This is because there is no reason to send a guest a rates notification.

Updated: The data token |GUEST:WIFE| has been updated in the data dictionary to |GUEST:SPOUSE|. users with templates that still say |GUEST:WIFE| will be unaffected. Both WIFE and SPOUSE data tokens will parse the same thing into the outgoing message.

Updated: Users can now filter triggers on the Triggers page by the action performed.

Updated: Saving a custom code with a name that has only numbers was creating issues for some users. We will no longer allow names that are only numbers.

Updated: We added the user role underneath their name in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.

Updated: Users will now be able to set conditions on a trigger before saving. As long as all required fields in the trigger details have been completed, the trigger conditions will become available to be added. This will allow users to create triggers for multiple rentals at once, and have all of them share the same trigger conditions.

Updated: The trigger condition section now appears once all of the required fields are completed in the trigger details. The user no longer has to click the Save button to see this section appear. This should be more intuitive.

Updated: When archiving an active trigger, a pop-up now appears asking the user if they want to disable the trigger before archiving. This will prevent the confusion of archived triggers firing for some users.

Fixed: New templates were automatically replacing existing templates on triggers.

Fixed: When duplicating workflows, the triggers in the new workflow were not copying the channel filter selection.

Fixed: When selecting the action Send Signature Form, the template selector was just 10 forms, instead of all forms if the user had more than 10. This has been corrected.