This weekend, on Sunday July 30th, we will be releasing a few changes to the time-based trigger system. Here is what's going to change.

1. Triggers will be sent every 30 minutes. This will allow you to set your triggers at a 30 minute granularity. Presently the trigger configuration allows hourly granularity, however, you can enter fractional numbers, like (0.5), in the hour field.

2. The system default check-in and check-out times will be 10 AM check-in, 9 AM checkout GMT. Presently it's 10 AM and 10 AM GMT respectively.

3. You will be able to set the default check-in/out times and timezone on a rental by rental basis. So, you may go into your rental configurations and set your desired defaults for all new bookings. This will give you tighter control over your calendar and triggers. We highly recommend setting your rental defaults if they are different or if your timezone differs significantly from GMT.

4. You will be able to set the check-in and check-out times on each booking. So if a particular user requires a different check-in they may have it.

5. If a user checks out after 12PM, the checkout day will be considered booked for availability searches on your Tokeet website.

You are not required to update your account, however, if you wish to set more granular control on your triggered emails then you can do so after the release on Sunday.