We've been hard at work improving the usability of Tokeet. Many of our usability improvements are small and get implemented without announcement, but today we are happy to announce some great improvements to our standard and multi calendars. These improvements came directly from requests made by our users. Keep the feedback coming, we love it.

First, you can now go back 6 months in the past on the multi-calendar. We know many of you have been frustrated by the fact that the multi-calendar did not allow you to view past bookings. We heard you and we've made an update to the custom widget powering the calendar. The previous restriction was placed so that the calendar, which renders thousands of bookings for some users, can load quickly. However, we've found a way to keep the relatively quick load time of the calendar while still allowing views into the past.

Second, we've improved the load time and usability of the standard calendar for users with many rentals and bookings. Previously the standard calendar would take forever to load if you had a lot, thousands, of bookings. Now the calendar loads quickly regardless of how many bookings you have. To accomplish this, the standard calendar only loads a maximum of 200 bookings per month. If you need to see the bookings of a specific rental then you may select that rental from the rental filter list. The calendar will then load bookings for that rental only with a maximum of 200 per month. You may also select multiple rentals if you wish. By lazy loading the rental data we allow users with many rentals to get into the calendar quickly and find the bookings they need to view easily.

We hope you like these improvements. Tell us what you think.