Many clients across the globe have asked us for more features to help them better manage their owners. For those agencies that manage properties for property owners, communicating with property owners and letting them know how their properties are performing consume a tremendous amount of time. Well, we heard you loud and clear and are excited to announce improved owner management features.

You can now create owner statements and owner invoices directly within Tokeet. Also, using the newly released Payout Rules, you can create payout formulas for each booking you receive. These formulas get automatically applied when creating a new invoice or statement for an owner. So you can say goodbye to spreadsheets and human errors.

A payout rule is an instruction to Tokeet to calculate a specific payout, or payable amount, for each booking. Payout rules apply to bookings which match the rule restrictions. So, if you want a different payout amount for different owners, or different channels, or different rentals, etc you may create a rule for each case. Tokeet will then find a matching rule for each booking depending on the bookings rental, owner, or channel when you are creating an invoice or statement for an owner. Owners may also pay their invoices online if you have a connected payment gateway.

You may also now enable or disable any section of the owner's dashboard. So if you don't want your owners to access reports you may simply disable it. Owners also have a customized view of their bookings and revenue each month, however you may also disable this new view if you like.

Our newly upgraded owners module will shave hours off your workload each month and help you scale your business effortlessly.