• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:

- Updated: [Billing] Improve support for yearly plans on the billing info page

- Updated: [Invoices] We've added the ability to delete taxes from the Invoice line item tax dropdown

- Updated: [Rates] Rate mappings will show as red with a warning triangle if rental is unlinked from that channel

- Updated: [Users] We've added the user profile type underneath the user name in TV3

- Updated: [Websites] The system will automatically add the word "widget" to the end of any source name when creating widgets

- Fixed: [Automations] "Airbnb API" channel option is not being saved on triggers in Tokeet

- Fixed: [Automation] Archiving triggers will now display an additional overlay prompting users to Pause trigger before Archiving

- Fixed: [Calendar] Agenda calendar not showing events on the last few days

- Fixed: [Calendar] Agenda calendar sorting by time issue

- Fixed: [Calendar] Multi Calendar keeps redirecting to the first page

- Fixed: [Guests] Handle guest primary email not being a string

- Fixed: [Guests->Interactions] User not able to update interactions without changing Date.

- Fixed: [Inquiries] Check-In / Check-Out dates on inquiry overlay for edge timezones (New Zealand)

- Fixed: [Inquiries] "Add billing details" option shouldn't display for an inquiry record and only for bookings

- Fixed: [Rates] When I delete group rates, the associated Rate Mappings don't delete.

- Fixed: [Rates] Issue with rates calendars where the main calendar has date miss match with overlay rates calendar. The main calendar used the local time while the overlay rates used UTC time

- Fixed: [Rates] Prevented negative Nightly Rate on invoice line items

- Fixed: [Rentals] Rental filters break when a selected rental is deleted

- Fixed: [Rentals] Prevent users from saving invalid email addresses on the rental email field

- Fixed: [Reporting] Utilization that spans from one month to the next is showing incorrectly in the Tokeet dashboard

- Fixed: [Tasks] Formatting of Task Details dialog's dates

- Fixed: [Tasks] Dropdown items for house staff's complete tasks

- Fixed: [Users] Remove RateGenie login checkbox for owners on user overlay