TV3 UPDATES | Jan 09 - 13, 2023

New Features:

[Forgot Password] Forgot Password link should expire after user has reset their password

Grace period banner if Card Payment fails

[Invoices] On invoices, at the bottom right add additional lines be added to Itemize. Vat Total, Net Total (Without vat) and Gross Total (Including Vat)

Email verification link should open a landing page that confirms verification

Bug Fixes:

Mobile app not working for iphone 14 Pro Max

[Data Feeds] Getting 500 error when downloading inquiry feed

[Forgot Password] Don't show error messages at bottom of page

[Guests] "Secondary email addresses" doesn't download in CSV

Total display as 0 when booking is created from Tokeet website

[Agenda Calendar] Notes should be highlighted/unhighlighted without refresh

[Rentals] User can add a Rental without Name, Phone, and City by typing white spaces

[Payment Gateway] User should be able to disconnect if there is only gateway

[Payments] User should be able to disconnect last payment gateway even if it is set as default