Monday, March 9, 2020

Dear Tokeet Customers,

Today we experienced a production outage that interrupted many Tokeet services for a good part of the day. This outage was due to issues that surfaced during routine database maintenance and has since been resolved. Our plan was to conduct this maintenance seamlessly, without any interruption of service as we have done successfully in the past, however today was an exception.

This is an unprecedented failure that we know is unworthy of both our history and your trust. We apologize for the outage and the disruption to your business. At this time, we are focusing our efforts on finding and recovering from any and all lingering issues resulting from this outage. As of now, all Tokeet services have been fully restored and you can continue to use Tokeet as normal.

Please check this page for new developments and any required manual actions that may be required of you. You can access the Tokeet Community using your Tokeet Channel Manager credentials.

We sincerely apologize for this outage and take full responsibility for this interruption to your service.

Kwesi Steele
Tokeet Founder and CEO


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:

- Updated: [Billing] Improve support for yearly plans on the billing info page

- Updated: [Invoices] We've added the ability to delete taxes from the Invoice line item tax dropdown

- Updated: [Rates] Rate mappings will show as red with a warning triangle if rental is unlinked from that channel

- Updated: [Users] We've added the user profile type underneath the user name in TV3

- Updated: [Websites] The system will automatically add the word "widget" to the end of any source name when creating widgets

- Fixed: [Automations] "Airbnb API" channel option is not being saved on triggers in Tokeet

- Fixed: [Automation] Archiving triggers will now display an additional overlay prompting users to Pause trigger before Archiving

- Fixed: [Calendar] Agenda calendar not showing events on the last few days

- Fixed: [Calendar] Agenda calendar sorting by time issue

- Fixed: [Calendar] Multi Calendar keeps redirecting to the first page

- Fixed: [Guests] Handle guest primary email not being a string

- Fixed: [Guests->Interactions] User not able to update interactions without changing Date.

- Fixed: [Inquiries] Check-In / Check-Out dates on inquiry overlay for edge timezones (New Zealand)

- Fixed: [Inquiries] "Add billing details" option shouldn't display for an inquiry record and only for bookings

- Fixed: [Rates] When I delete group rates, the associated Rate Mappings don't delete.

- Fixed: [Rates] Issue with rates calendars where the main calendar has date miss match with overlay rates calendar. The main calendar used the local time while the overlay rates used UTC time

- Fixed: [Rates] Prevented negative Nightly Rate on invoice line items

- Fixed: [Rentals] Rental filters break when a selected rental is deleted

- Fixed: [Rentals] Prevent users from saving invalid email addresses on the rental email field

- Fixed: [Reporting] Utilization that spans from one month to the next is showing incorrectly in the Tokeet dashboard

- Fixed: [Tasks] Formatting of Task Details dialog's dates

- Fixed: [Tasks] Dropdown items for house staff's complete tasks

- Fixed: [Users] Remove RateGenie login checkbox for owners on user overlay


Thank you for using Tokeet!

As you might have noticed we’ve been very busy here at Tokeet. In 2019 we completed some of the most ambitious projects in our history and successfully launched Rategenie, Tokeet v3, Owner Center, and Margins. We spent a lot of time speaking with and listening to you, our customers, taking your feedback and direction to heart, and produced solutions to help you grow your business. We are pleased with the overwhelmingly positive feedback that we have received for each of these products and thank you for being a part of the process. There is a lot more to come in 2020.

Our Prices Are Changing

On March 1st, 2020 we will be transitioning to a new pricing structure for Tokeet (TV3). In short, our prices will be increasing about 30% on average for your Tokeet subscription. It’s been about 3 years since we last changed Tokeet’s prices and a lot has changed since then. After many weeks of consideration, we think the time is now right to update our prices to be inline with our current products and services.

Our other products (Add Ons) will not be affected by this pricing change. Those products will have their own pricing adjustments made later this year, if any. At this time no decision has been made yet about these products. The pricing adjustment of March 1st will only affect your Tokeet subscription.

Keep Your Current Plan

As with our last pricing change in 2017, we are giving all of our users the opportunity to keep their existing price plans for one year. We’ll throw in a 10% discount with each yearly plan. This is our way of thanking you for your loyalty, and being a part of our journey. You will even be able to switch between yearly plans, if your needs change within the year. 

The process for keeping your current plan is simple.

  1. Let us know if you want to keep your plan via email or live chat.
  2. We will send you a one year contract via email which you must sign.
  3. Once your contract is signed we will switch you to the new one year plan.
  4. You will be charged for the entire year upfront!
Thanks again for being a Tokeet user.
Team Tokeet



[Account/User Settings]Mobile app appears as blank to users with multiple user roles assigned.Removed option to assign multiple user roles to a user profile.
[Automations]Updated free Automations module to only allow 1 trigger per event type.Trigger logs will show a consolidated set of events from all rentals included on the trigger.
[Channels]Canceled API bookings were resetting booking charges to 0.Fixed issue.
[Channels]AirBnb connections are showing as Not Visible though they are technically visible.Fixed issue.
[Connection Wizards]Pushing an empty calendar will stall user progress through connection wizards.Users can add a temporary hold event within the connection wizard so they do not have to navigate away from the wizard to do so.
[Data Feeds]Different maximum lines for different types of data feeds were creating confusion.Increased all data feeds default maximum lines to 1000
[Data Feeds: Inquiry Feed]Filtering by date range leaves out bookings that should fall within the range.Fixed issue.
[Expense Feed/Inquiry Feed]Currency symbol prevents calculation on data feed downloads.Currency symbol is separated to it's own column so that math can be done without the user having to delimit the column.
[Expenses]Expenses could not be created unless associated with a rental.Removed the requirement of Expenses being associated with rentals
[Inquiries]American date format shown as default Tokeet date format.Updated to a universally understood version DD-MMM-YYYY
[Inquiries]Bookings showing no check-in/out times.Users who do not have a valid timezone and check-in/out times set can now update this via a link and resulting dialog box on the booking details.
[Inquiries]Booking/hold events with name as 'NAN' will cause the application to crash.Fixed Issue.
[Inquiries]After saving the invoice a user was required to re-open the invoice they just saved.When creating invoices from the inquiry inbox, the Edit invoice overlay will appear after Saving the invoice.
[Inquiries]System would overwrite user's attempts to adjust the base charge on the edit booking charges dialog.Fixed Issue.
[Inquiries: Message Feed]Unread messages were not being counted.Added an unread messages count to the top right next to the alerts icon. This will link to the Message Feed.
[Inquiry Detail View]Arrive and Depart dates on inquiries was showing as "Never"Fixed Issue.
[Invoice Data Feeds]Unsent invoices show up as being sent in 1970Fixed Issue.
[Invoices]User could not add multiple lines on the invoice description.The description field will allow multiple lines on an invoice.
[Rates]Ignore BDC guest fee option does not work on day-specific pricing.Fixed Issue.
[Rates]Channel adjustments not applying to day-specific pricing.Fixed Issue.
[Rentals]Importing rentals from AirBnb caused duplicate rentals to be created.Any time the same listing is re-imported it will automatically have an identifying version number assigned to it.
[Websites]Hold event types other than "Confirmed" would not result in a block on website and widget calendars.All hold event types will now block the website calendar, instead of just confirmed hold events.
[Widgets]Interstitial widget date picker was allowing the start date to be after the end date.Fixed Issue.


1. Fixed an issue where websites being saved with a single rental selected are defaulting to a Multiple rental website.
2. Fixed an issue where uploading expenses via csv would result in USD showing on all uploaded expenses.
3. Fixed an issue where quotes sent to guests from bookings that originated on a Tokeet website would show as 0.00.
4. Added a new feature whereby the user can click on a graph item on the Bookings or Revenue section of the dashboard and be taken to a pre-filtered list of inquiries. EG: If I click on September for Rental X I will be taken to the inquiries list view with the rental(s) and month filtered accordingly.
5. Fixed issue where currency search was not providing the correctly filtered options.
6. Added ability to copy rental terms and payment instructions over from other rentals. This shows as a Copy Terms button on the rental’s Rental Instructions tab.
7. Fixed an issue where the KeyCode and Security Code data dictionary items would strip out the leading 0’s.
8. Fixed an issue causing recurring monthly expenses not to create automatically at the appropriate date (exactly 1 month after the date of the previous recurring monthly expense).
9. Fixed an issue where .jpg and .gif’s sent from guests to users were inaccessible on the Tokeet message.
10. Fixed an issue where making an adjustment to the booking details would cause the invoices to disappear.
11. Added select all and delete to the Expenses module.
12. Fixed an issue where uploading expenses would result in all expenses showing an attached receipt on the table when this is not the case.


Hey guys, for those of you who are interested in what we've been up to with the new version of Tokeet, aka TV3. Here is a sneak peek video of TV3 in action. We've pushed the release of TV3 back to Q1 2019 so that we can pack more awesome features into the product. Let us know what you think!


Greetings, ghouls and ghosts! It's time for Haunted Halloween Edition of  "What's New @ Tokeet!"
  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this past week, including:

Updated: [Channels] Performance updates made to AirBnB API (NEW) to accommodate new verification steps.


Fixed: [Bookings] Some triggers marked as "skipped" were still able to fire.

Fixed: [Bookings] Marked for follow-up filter was omitting some guests.


Updated: [Templates] Tooltips have been updated for clarity.

Fixed: [Templates] Tags filter was showing duplicate entries for some new tags.

Thank you for continuing to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new additions and fixes to our platform. As always, please email us with your questions or suggestions at any time.


Hello, valued Tokeet users! Has it really been 10 says since the last blog entry? Well, the wait is over, and now it's time to see "What's New @ Tokeet" this week!
  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this past week, including:

Fixed: [Registration] The Continue button was not working correctly.


Updated: [Recent Activity] Added an "All" option to the events filters, to allow all events to be shown in the Successful and Unsuccessful Triggers lists.

Fixed: [Triggers] Typo on the rentals filter label, when using the exclusion list.

Fixed: [Recent Activity] Typo in the events filters for the Card Deleted event.


Fixed: [My Signature] Resetting a saved signature, and closing the pop-up, was not deleting the signature from the user account.

Fixed: [Templates] Some users without saved signatures received error messages when manually signing contracts.

Thank you for continuing to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new additions and fixes to our platform. As always, please email us with your questions or suggestions at any time.


Hello again! Let's see "What's New @ Tokeet" this week. This week, we have another group of updates and fixes that will improve the performance of the apps.
  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this past week, including:

Updated: [Channels] Improvements made to the Agoda rate push process.

Fixed: [Channels] Users were not able to accept AirBnB booking alterations.

Fixed: [Templates] Some contract links were expiring before the 5-day period ended.

Fixed: [Templates] The SOURCE data code was not displaying the channel name for bookings created manually in the calendar.


Updated: [Triggers] The recipient field is now mandatory for all Signature contracts, forms and documents.

Updated: [Templates] The GUEST_ID data code has been removed from the data dictionary due to lack of support from the channels.

Fixed: [Templates] Templates containing the INQUIRY_ID data code were not being sent successfully.


Fixed: [Templates] When sending templates, the guest list, users with more than 1,000 Tokeet guests were unable to search the full list.

Fixed: [Templates] When an account administrator was a recipient of a contract that requires a photo ID, an error message was being returned to the guest.

Thank you for continuing to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new additions and fixes to our platform. As always, please email us with your questions or suggestions at any time.


Welcome to another installation of the "What's New @ Tokeet" changelog. This week, we have an announcement for the future plans of SMS integration in the Tokeet and Automata apps. We also have another group of updates and fixes that will improve the performance of the apps.

  • It was a very difficult decision to make, but we feel that this is the right choice for the future. We have now announced our future plans for SMS integration in the Tokeet suite of applications. SMS will only be available in the Automata app, and the functionality has been expanded. Please take a moment to read the announcement below:

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks to all of you for making the Automata beta a success. We are truly excited about its full launch and upcoming features. Now that Automata is fully up and running, as of November 1st, SMS automation will be exclusively available in Automata. SMS will no longer be a feature offered in the core Tokeet product.

    Since we introduced SMS in Tokeet about a year ago it has grown to be a very popular feature with over 100K SMS messages sent each month. This number has been increasing rapidly in the past few months without abatement. Due to this rising cost we are now forced to remove SMS from the base product in an effort to keep cost and prices down.

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

    Tokeet Team

  • We would like to provide a polite reminder that users who were trialing the Automata and Signature applications will now have to subscribe to the services in order to continue their use.

    Automata and Signature are now out of beta. This means that you must subscribe to these products to continue using them. As of September 24th you must have a subscription to Automata/Signature in order to login to these applications. As of October 1st Automata will stop processing triggers for accounts without subscriptions.

    None of your data or triggers will be deleted from Automata or Signature. There is ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT to regular Tokeet triggers, Tokeet Contracts, or Tokeet. This announcement is exclusively regarding Automata and Signature.

    If you have previously setup Automata and wish to continue using it simply subscribe to a plan. Go to the My Billing Info page within your Tokeet account and activate your desired subscription.

  • We have introduced a custom implementation program for new user accounts.
  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this past week, including:

Fixed: [Channels] Booking and hold event modifications were delayed while pushing to AirBnB.

Fixed: [Channels] When trying to book open dates on AirBnB, some guests were receiving an error that the dates are no longer available.

Fixed: [Billing Info] Typo in the Activate Subscription modal said "Shall be proceed?" instead of "Shall we proceed?"


Fixed: [Triggers] Booking confirmed triggers were firing multiple times for some guest bookings.


Updated: [Owner Login] Owners now have access to the app, with a customized dashboard. They can save their password to the account so that it is auto-filled on contracts.

Updated: [Dashboard] Cleaned up the filter layout in the activity table.

Fixed: [All] Alphabetical sort was case-sensitive.

Fixed: [Login] Username and password icons were not loading until the field was clicked.

Fixed: [Dashboard] Sort by recipient was not working correctly.

Fixed: [Forms] Submitting a guest form was returning the error "Something went wrong."

Thank you for continuing to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new additions and fixes to our platform. As always, please email us with your questions or suggestions at any time.


Hi everyone,

We hope that you've enjoyed your beta experience with Automata and Signature. Both products will be coming out of beta on September 24th and you will be required to subscribe to each product in order to access the applications from that date. You may subscribe to both products on the "My Billing Info" page within your Tokeet account starting September 24th. Starting October 1st Automata will stop firing all triggers for accounts without subscriptions.

If you have any questions about Automata or Signature please let us know by contacting support.

Thanks for being a Tokeet user.

Tokeet Support
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