We've been hard at work improving the usability of Tokeet. Many of our usability improvements are small and get implemented without announcement, but today we are happy to announce some great improvements to our standard and multi calendars. These improvements came directly from requests made by our users. Keep the feedback coming, we love it.

First, you can now go back 6 months in the past on the multi-calendar. We know many of you have been frustrated by the fact that the multi-calendar did not allow you to view past bookings. We heard you and we've made an update to the custom widget powering the calendar. The previous restriction was placed so that the calendar, which renders thousands of bookings for some users, can load quickly. However, we've found a way to keep the relatively quick load time of the calendar while still allowing views into the past.

Second, we've improved the load time and usability of the standard calendar for users with many rentals and bookings. Previously the standard calendar would take forever to load if you had a lot, thousands, of bookings. Now the calendar loads quickly regardless of how many bookings you have. To accomplish this, the standard calendar only loads a maximum of 200 bookings per month. If you need to see the bookings of a specific rental then you may select that rental from the rental filter list. The calendar will then load bookings for that rental only with a maximum of 200 per month. You may also select multiple rentals if you wish. By lazy loading the rental data we allow users with many rentals to get into the calendar quickly and find the bookings they need to view easily.

We hope you like these improvements. Tell us what you think.


Ever performed a search or filter on one page, left the page, then returned only to have to perform the same search or filter again? We have, and yes it's annoying. Today we're happy to announce a feature that will eliminate this issue.

Tokeet will now save all searches and filters on almost every page. When you perform a search or filter on your inbox, navigate off to the booking detail then come back, your filter selections will still be there. Even if you log out of Tokeet then sign back into the same browser tab your searches will still be there. The same goes for almost every page where search/filter exists.

We hope this will make your lives easier and make Tokeet a bit more user-friendly.


We love spending time analyzing how users interact with Tokeet, and trying to put ourselves in the mind of the user. We gather every bit of information we can about user interactions and navigation paths. With this information we try to formulate new ways to make Tokeet even more user friendly. This was the genesis of our new inbox, which we hope will increase your productivity for the majority of use cases.

The Advanced Inbox condenses a number of different pages into one seamless experience for quicker utilization. You can quickly view and send messages, view and update booking details, and update guest details all from one screen. No more navigating around to get things done.

You can get to the Advanced Inbox by going to your current inquiries inbox and clicking the yellow Action button, then selecting Advanced Inbox. If you like the new inbox then you may make it your default by selecting the Default Inbox option above the inquiries list on the Advanced Inbox page.

We would love your feedback on this new inbox so let us know if it makes your life easier and how.


Many clients across the globe have asked us for more features to help them better manage their owners. For those agencies that manage properties for property owners, communicating with property owners and letting them know how their properties are performing consume a tremendous amount of time. Well, we heard you loud and clear and are excited to announce improved owner management features.

You can now create owner statements and owner invoices directly within Tokeet. Also, using the newly released Payout Rules, you can create payout formulas for each booking you receive. These formulas get automatically applied when creating a new invoice or statement for an owner. So you can say goodbye to spreadsheets and human errors.

A payout rule is an instruction to Tokeet to calculate a specific payout, or payable amount, for each booking. Payout rules apply to bookings which match the rule restrictions. So, if you want a different payout amount for different owners, or different channels, or different rentals, etc you may create a rule for each case. Tokeet will then find a matching rule for each booking depending on the bookings rental, owner, or channel when you are creating an invoice or statement for an owner. Owners may also pay their invoices online if you have a connected payment gateway.

You may also now enable or disable any section of the owner's dashboard. So if you don't want your owners to access reports you may simply disable it. Owners also have a customized view of their bookings and revenue each month, however you may also disable this new view if you like.

Our newly upgraded owners module will shave hours off your workload each month and help you scale your business effortlessly.


We're excited to announce the release of our multi-rental templates for the Tokeet Website Builder. Now, you may create a website with all of your rentals, whether you have a single rental or thousands. All of our templates have been updated to allow for multiple rentals. We've also redesigned the website builder dashboard to make it easier to use. Some of the key new features are:

  • A new rental selection table that makes assigning rentals to your website easier.
  • A new wysiwyg web page editor for your custom web pages which allows you to embed images, video, tables, and much more. It also has a cool fullscreen mode.
  • A website image library for saving images specific to your website. You can also set a main website image and favicon.
  • Google Analytics and Mixpanel tracking built into every site. Simply enter your analytics IDs into the dashboard.
  • Turn on and off any section of the web site with one click.
  • Embed custom CSS, and Javascipt via raw code or library URLs. This powerful feature allows you to customize any part of the website using your own style sheets.
We're truly excited about this update to our website builder, which is the first in a series of updates we will be making to this product. Stay tuned for online bookings coming in a few weeks.

Here's a mock website I created in about 10 minutes.


We're happy to announce the release of two new website domains for your Tokeet website. Now users have the additional choice of using and when selecting a free domain for their Tokeet website. We have also changed the default title of your website for better appearance when sharing via Facebook and other social media channels.


Now you can create triggers that fire when you receive a message from a guest. We've received a number of requests for this and now it's implemented. The added benefit is that the trigger will not fire if a message has a high spam score, so you don't get slammed with spam notifications. If you receive a high number of guest messages then we recommend you not use this feature, but instead use the Message Feed within the mobile and web applications.


When creating triggers it's often important to include some rental specific information in your message template. This information may be directions to the rental, instructions on using the stove, or some other important information. However, after entering rental specific information, the template is no longer rental agnostic. This requires you to create a unique trigger for each rental and increases the number of triggers to keep track of, and the possibility for error.

To solve this problem we've created five new custom information fields in your rental settings. You can access these fields by clicking the new Custom Information link in the lower lefthand context menu. You can also include your custom information in your message templates using the data dictionary.

We hope this helps streamline your automation setup and decreases the number of required message templates.


The weekend rates option in Tokeet has been plagued by problems since the beginning. First, different users have various definitions of the weekend. Some users consider Friday and Saturday night as the weekend, while others prefer Saturday and Sunday night. Then, once we introduced Day Specific Pricing, users became frustrated as their weekend rates stop working whenever they set Day Specific Pricing.

Due to these and other issues we have decided to remove the Weekend Night price option from Tokeet rates. Now, whenever a user needs to set a different rate for weekends, they must use Day Specific Pricing. This simplifies our rates and makes the rate creation process much more straightforward, no more special conditions.

If you have questions please as us at We're happy to help.


Now you may add multiple phone numbers for your guest. Each guest may have as many phone numbers as needed. You may also specify a primary phone number to be used on invoices and in email and other messages.

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