On May 25 2018, Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force. In the hospitality industry, GDPR is important for everyone: even if your rental business is outside the European Union, you are responsible for protecting the rights of European citizens (for example, EU guests).

Tokeet is committed to complying with the requirements of the GDPR. Today we are sharing more about our preparations for the GDPR - including updates to our policies and changes to our products, to help both you and Tokeet meet the new requirements.

Updates to Tokeet Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • Tokeet's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are being updated to reflect new legal requirements of the GDPR.  
  • These updates set out our responsibilities around data processing, data deletion, data security, and more. 
Product Updates

To comply, and to support your compliance with GDPR, we are:
  • Migrating all Tokeet applications to secure (https://) protocol.
  • Migrating all custom domains that use Tokeet website builder to secure protocol.  We will be reaching out to all custom domain holders with next steps.
  • Allowing new Tokeet domain websites, widgets, and guest portals to be generated with secure protocol by design and by default.  
If you have any questions about this update, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@tokeet.com. We will continue to share further information on our plans before the May 25 enforcement date.


We have been hard at work on new products and integrations, which we will begin to unveil this quarter.  In addition, our world-class Engineering team has been focused on improving current features and functionality of Tokeet. 

  • First, we have improved on our functionality to automatically notify users in case channel connections become Pending / Disabled.
We automatically send an email to Tokeet account admins; in addition, we have created a new Trigger type called "Channel Disabled."  This trigger can help inform your internal team that a channel connection is disabled, and that action needs to be taken by you in Tokeet.

  • Second, we have tripled our iCal server capacity--which drastically improves our refresh time for iCal channel connections and makes sure you avoid costly double bookings.
  • Last but not least, this weekend's release addresses over 120 workflow improvements and bug fixes, including:
Fixed:  [Advance Inbox] Button is not clearly visible
Fixed:  [Advance Inbox] Column width should remain intact
Fixed:  [Advance Inbox] Updated "City & Country" doesn't display until you reload the page
Fixed:  [Automation] Select Rental(s) field prepopulated when in Stealth mode
Fixed:  [Automation] Sorting does not work properly on "Events" column
Fixed:  [Automation] Fix sorting on "Rentals" , "Stealth On" , "Stealth Off" and "Time Zone" column
Fixed:  [Automation] Sorting does not work properly on "Type" column
Fixed:  [Automation] Sorting does not work properly on "Updated" column
Fixed:  [Booking Engine] Fix typo in booking engine page title
Fixed:  [Calendar] Check in/out time displays wrong when Agenda Calendar is downloaded
Fixed:  [Calendar] Edit Hold Event reverses dates
Fixed:  [Calendar] Event name does not display properly in Hold Event pop up
Fixed:  [Calendar] Filter by Months not working properly for Hold Events List
Fixed:  [Calendar] Long Rental names going out of field
Fixed:  [Calendar] Manually created bookings are using the wrong rates
Fixed:  [Calendar] Month doesn't appear selected on Planning Calendar
Fixed:  [Calendar] Multi Calendar opens the next business day
Fixed:  [Calendar] Rental list should be alphabetically sorted
Fixed:  [Calendar] Standard Calendar not loading at production for specific account
Fixed:  [Calendar] Tags icon on Multi Calendar and Planning Calendar is not same
Fixed:  [Calendar] The order of the names in the popover are in reverse to the dates the guest stay
Fixed:  [Calendar] Weekly calendar changes to monthly calendar when we switch month to another
Fixed:  [Calendar] When booking is manually created, channel info doesn't display on Multi-Calendar until you reload the page
Fixed:  [Calendar] Allow to save when you remove Expiration date from Hold Event and update changes
Fixed:  [Channels] Sort on basis of "Account Name", "Property Name" and "Status" columns
Fixed:  [Data Dictionary] Add *|INQUIRY:CHECK_IN|* and *|INQUIRY:CHECK_OUT|* tags
Fixed:  [Expenses] Remove "Repeat" field from Import Expense popup
Fixed:  [Feeds] Highlighted text doesn't display with white theme
Fixed:  [General UI] Multiple Tool tips do not display properly
Fixed:  [Guests] Popup closes and changes are saved without clicking SaveE button
Fixed:  [Guests] Reduce icon size in detail view of guest
Fixed:  [Guests] Sorting does not work properly on "County" column 
Fixed:  [Guests] When importing Guests from vCard, Phone number doesn't display
Fixed:  [House Staff] Make changes to Hold Event List just like administrator role
Fixed:  [House Staff] Rentals names should be properly visible like in Multi Calendar
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Context Menu should close when you click Assign Staff button
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Error when you click "Pay with saved card" button
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Error when you try to export inquiry report
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Filter should be "Arrive";  Option should be "All Months"
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Sorting does not work properly on "Arrive" column
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Sorting does not work properly on "Depart" column
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Total displays wrong in tooltip and in detail view
Fixed:  [Inquiries] User not able to set Depart Time in "Add Flight" pop up
Fixed:  [Inquiries] When we update Telephone or Email, Birthday information disappears
Fixed:  [Inquiries] Fix warning message display "for "followup" and "no followup"options 
Fixed:  [Invoices] Invoice preview page to take into account the time zone, fix Due Date to display correctly
Fixed:  [Message Templates] Error message even if SMS length is less than 160 characters
Fixed:  [Message Templates] While sending messages, display Subject entered in template
Fixed:  [Owner] Add future dates in Month dropdown
Fixed:  [Owner] Convert to booking button should not display in Owner role
Fixed:  [Owner] Currency does not update properly in Owner invoice
Fixed:  [Owner] Mini Calendar doesn't load for Owner role
Fixed:  [Owner] Pagination does not display on Owners invoices
Fixed:  [Owner] Pagination should not display on print preview of the statement
Fixed:  [Owner] Restricted Rentals table shouldn't display for Property Owners
Fixed:  [Owner] Search field on "Restricted Rentals" section 
Fixed:  [Owner] Update default text under Owner Rentals
Fixed:  [Payments] Pagination for Payments module
Fixed:  [Rental Rates Beta] Rate List view to display all the rates that are under Rates & Payments
Fixed:  [Rental Rates Beta] Check out date shouldn't display with Red dot
Fixed:  [Rental Rates Beta] Min Stay field displays value of Max Stay
Fixed:  [Rental Rates Beta] Pagination problem: view doesn't switch to first page
Fixed:  [Rentals / Rates & Payments] If "default" category is not present, it shouldn't appear in filter 
Fixed:  [Rentals / Rates & Payments] Promotional rate with multiple rate categories shouldn't delete when a Standard Rate is deleted
Fixed:  [Rentals] Currency automatically changes without clicking confirmation pop up
Fixed:  [Rentals] Display dots if the name of the country is long
Fixed:  [Reporting] Utilization report displaying $ instead of €
Fixed:  [Staff] "Convert to Booking" button should not display in House Staff role
Fixed:  [User Settings]  In "Add User" popup, "Country" field should be a dropdown
Fixed:  [User Settings] Fix Tokeet font post- password reset
Fixed:  [User Settings] Fix Pagination controls on User List
Fixed:  [User Settings] Sorting does not work properly on "Country" column
Fixed:  [User Settings] Property Manager shouldn't be able to delete Administrator user
Fixed:  [User Settings] Provide ability to sort user list by Name, Role, and Country columns
Fixed:  [User Settings] Upon user deletion, redirect to list view

Thank you for continuing to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new additions and fixes to our platform. As always, please email us with your questions or suggestions any time.


This is another huge week for new Tokeet features and enhancements!

  • First, we've launched an integration with Slack. By using the integration, you can get notified of Tokeet events in corresponding Slack channels. For example, every "Booking Confirmed" event can be tracked an associated Slack channel. Read more about our integration with Slack in our Help Center
  • Second, we've launched two new widgets: a Booking Widget and a Search Widget!

    • The Tokeet Booking Widget allows guests to book directly from your non-Tokeet website, via a Tokeet booking engine.
    • The Tokeet Search Widget allows guests to search the availability of your rentals from any website. You can use your own non-Tokeet website and seamlessly direct users to your Tokeet website for final booking and communication. Read more about our new widgets in our Help Center
  • Third, we've launched a brand new Data Feeds feature. Tokeet believes in arming you with all the data possible. Now you can easily extract detailed, event-level data via a secure data feed URL. Inquiry and Guest data feeds are available; data is updated in real time. Read more about Data Feeds in our Help Center
  • Next, we've launched an integration with Dropbox. Used with Tokeet, Dropbox can help you centralize your documents and keep them stored in Dropbox's cloud infrastructure. In particular, you can store attachments received via incoming email and executed contracts in your Dropbox account. Read more about the Tokeet integration with Dropbox in our Help Center
  • Last but not least, we've launched a series of enhancements to improve the security of our platform. Your Tokeet email attachments are now accessible only with a Tokeet login; they may also be stored in your connected Dropbox account.
Thank you for continuing to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new additions to our platform. As always, please email us with your questions or suggestions any time.


This week, we are rolling out multiple exciting additions to the Tokeet platform.

  • First, we've launched the Tokeet Booking Engine.  This highly requested feature can be used as either an extension of the current Website Builder, or a standalone booking engine if you have your own, non-Tokeet website.  Read more about the Tokeet Booking Engine in our Help Center.    
  • Second, we have added a new "Rental Rates" module which allows you to observe both occupancy & rates on the same calendar screens.   We have also added visualization which allows you to identify high rate periods--both on a monthly and yearly basis, as well as the ability to drag and paste new rates straight onto your calendar.   Read more about Rental Rates Calendar in our Help Center.  
  • Last but not least, we’re very excited to announce the launch of the Tokeet Client API (CAPI).  CAPI is available to our Manager and Unlimited plan customers. You can now build and integrate your internal platforms with Tokeet, allowing for a seamless automation of workflows.  Read about the Tokeet Client API in the API docs.  

Thank you for helping to make Tokeet great! We're looking forward to your feedback about these new features to our platform.  As always, email us with your questions or suggestions at any time.


This weekend, on Sunday July 30th, we will be releasing a few changes to the time-based trigger system. Here is what's going to change.

1. Triggers will be sent every 30 minutes. This will allow you to set your triggers at a 30 minute granularity. Presently the trigger configuration allows hourly granularity, however, you can enter fractional numbers, like (0.5), in the hour field.

2. The system default check-in and check-out times will be 10 AM check-in, 9 AM checkout GMT. Presently it's 10 AM and 10 AM GMT respectively.

3. You will be able to set the default check-in/out times and timezone on a rental by rental basis. So, you may go into your rental configurations and set your desired defaults for all new bookings. This will give you tighter control over your calendar and triggers. We highly recommend setting your rental defaults if they are different or if your timezone differs significantly from GMT.

4. You will be able to set the check-in and check-out times on each booking. So if a particular user requires a different check-in they may have it.

5. If a user checks out after 12PM, the checkout day will be considered booked for availability searches on your Tokeet website.

You are not required to update your account, however, if you wish to set more granular control on your triggered emails then you can do so after the release on Sunday.


We're rolling out a new release of our mobile app which includes a lot of highly requested features. The most exciting of which is the new multi-calendar view on mobile. We've recreated the multi-calendar from the Tokeet web application for the mobile device, and it's great. This view also includes viewing past bookings, which was just also released on the web last week, and availability searching. The Android version should be available today on the PlayStore while the iOS version will be released later once approved by Apple.


We're excited to announce the beta release of the new Tokeet Guest Portal. The guest portal is your opportunity to offer a 5 star experience to your guests with a customized guide of your rental and city. It provides a guidebook platform for you to share critical information about your rental with your guests, and offer recommendations for their stay.

Even more, the guest portal also allows guests to view their booking details, pay their invoices, and communicate directly to you. We have re-imagined the guest portal to be more flexible and user-friendly than before. You may now embed a link to the guest portal directly in your email templates using the data dictionary. This way your guests can receive a link to their unique guest portal right when they book if you use Tokeet Triggers. You may also send a link to the guest portal directly from the booking details page. Your guests no longer need to log in to view their portal as each link provides unique and secure access to the customized portal information.

The new Tokeet Guest Portal offers many customization options including custom domains, instructions per rental, custom pages for recommendations, google analytics and mixpanel tracking, and also the ability to customize the look and feel using CSS.

The new Tokeet Guest Portal is also built mobile first so the user experience on mobile devices is flawless. The desktop experience is great too.

As a reference, here is a link to a guest portal to give you an idea of what's possible.


We've been hard at work improving the usability of Tokeet. Many of our usability improvements are small and get implemented without announcement, but today we are happy to announce some great improvements to our standard and multi calendars. These improvements came directly from requests made by our users. Keep the feedback coming, we love it.

First, you can now go back 6 months in the past on the multi-calendar. We know many of you have been frustrated by the fact that the multi-calendar did not allow you to view past bookings. We heard you and we've made an update to the custom widget powering the calendar. The previous restriction was placed so that the calendar, which renders thousands of bookings for some users, can load quickly. However, we've found a way to keep the relatively quick load time of the calendar while still allowing views into the past.

Second, we've improved the load time and usability of the standard calendar for users with many rentals and bookings. Previously the standard calendar would take forever to load if you had a lot, thousands, of bookings. Now the calendar loads quickly regardless of how many bookings you have. To accomplish this, the standard calendar only loads a maximum of 200 bookings per month. If you need to see the bookings of a specific rental then you may select that rental from the rental filter list. The calendar will then load bookings for that rental only with a maximum of 200 per month. You may also select multiple rentals if you wish. By lazy loading the rental data we allow users with many rentals to get into the calendar quickly and find the bookings they need to view easily.

We hope you like these improvements. Tell us what you think.


Ever performed a search or filter on one page, left the page, then returned only to have to perform the same search or filter again? We have, and yes it's annoying. Today we're happy to announce a feature that will eliminate this issue.

Tokeet will now save all searches and filters on almost every page. When you perform a search or filter on your inbox, navigate off to the booking detail then come back, your filter selections will still be there. Even if you log out of Tokeet then sign back into the same browser tab your searches will still be there. The same goes for almost every page where search/filter exists.

We hope this will make your lives easier and make Tokeet a bit more user-friendly.


We love spending time analyzing how users interact with Tokeet, and trying to put ourselves in the mind of the user. We gather every bit of information we can about user interactions and navigation paths. With this information we try to formulate new ways to make Tokeet even more user friendly. This was the genesis of our new inbox, which we hope will increase your productivity for the majority of use cases.

The Advanced Inbox condenses a number of different pages into one seamless experience for quicker utilization. You can quickly view and send messages, view and update booking details, and update guest details all from one screen. No more navigating around to get things done.

You can get to the Advanced Inbox by going to your current inquiries inbox and clicking the yellow Action button, then selecting Advanced Inbox. If you like the new inbox then you may make it your default by selecting the Default Inbox option above the inquiries list on the Advanced Inbox page.

We would love your feedback on this new inbox so let us know if it makes your life easier and how.

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