• We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Fixed: Tokeet Widget triggers were not firing for inquires created via widget. A change has been made to the inquiry widget HTML code, that will not allow Automata to capture these events. You will need to make the inquiry widget again in TV3, in order to copy the updated HTML code to your website.

Fixed: Trigger conditions were not visible for triggers that had a hyphen in the trigger name. This issue has been corrected, and the pre-made samples have had any hyphens removed, in order to prevent future conflicts.

Fixed: Webhook service experienced a brief interruption in operation. This issue was quickly resolved, and webhook triggers should operate properly now.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes since the last update, including:

Updated: We have introduced fingerprint login. Now you can log in using your fingerprint without entering a username and password each time.
  1. Login with your account.
  2. The Biometrics login splash screen will be shown once. It won’t be shown again after you press the cancel or enable button. 
  3. Press Enable Biometrics login button and verify your fingerprint. You can go back to this screen later to enable/disable biometrics login by going to the Sidebar menu -> Settings -> Biometrics Login
  4. There is a checkbox shown after you enable biometrics login: Verify <Touch ID | Face ID | Biometrics> "on app start?", if you check this checkbox, each time the app opens it will require biometrics verification.
  5. Next, log out. Now on the Login screen, you should see a button with the fingerprint icon next to the Login button. Press on it.
  6. If you have a single account with biometrics login enabled, it will prompt you for a fingerprint scan immediately.
  7. If you have many accounts with biometrics login enabled, it will show a popup with a list of accounts. Select 1 account to log in.
Updated: We have implemented a Check for TV3 rate mappings with auto-sync active, to prevent duplicate rate pushes.

Updated: We have added a Sorting option throughout the app on all list views.

Updated: We have removed the label “Airbnb API (NEW)” throughout the app and change it to "Airbnb API".

Updated: We have Implemented Live chat for the Mobile app as well. Now you will be able to contact support through the mobile app.

Updated: For canceled subscriptions and past due status, we have implemented the banner on all pages to inform users that they need to subscribe to Rategenie.

Updated: We have replaced the hamburger icon with the Rategenie logo to open the sidebar within the app.

Updated: We have restricted the min night value to 365 nights on the mobile app, to match the same restriction on the web app.

Fixed: The Edit button was not appearing when rental names were very long.

Fixed: Rental name was not showing in the list view of Rentals when the rental name was all numerals.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes this month, including:

Updated: [Rates calendar] In the rates break-down, we have changed the label from Local Events to 'Special Events'.

Updated: On the top right side of the app, right below the user name, the logged-in user role should be visible now.

Updated: [Rental] Metrics tab- we have added global year selection to show all charts data in one go.

Fixed: On the create a new Strategy view: Changing the drop-down selection from occupancy base to Historical demand was not allowing to create a new strategy. This issue is fixed now.

Fixed: [Rental Market Occupancy] Sorting was missing to display the latest 12 months' data. Due to this, users were not seeing all the data for the past year. This issue is fixed now.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:

Updated: Check is applied for TV3 rate mappings with auto-sync active, to prevent duplicate rate pushes. Now we show a warning pop up when a user tries to turn on listing sync in Rategenie to avoid duplicate rate pushes

Updated: Show a banner above the rates calendar when users are not subscribed to Rategenie. When a user subscription is over/past due, we are now showing this banner on top of the Rategenie page: "You are not currently subscribed to Rategenie. Rates will not push to your channels until you subscribe."

Updated: Added audit trail, whenever a user makes an update to his strategy or linked strategy rules in Rategenie. In strategy activity logs users will now be able to see which rule or strategy type is updated/changed.

Updated: We Added an info box to the Channel Adjustment Rule. The following info box text is added on the channel adjustment rule: "Channel adjusted rates will never exceed the min or max rate that set in the strategy or rental settings, even if a manual rate is set."

Updated: When a user updates his rental location, we are now showing a red alert icon on the rates calendar page. When the user clicks on this icon, we will generate rates in Rategenie according to the updated location

Updated: We have added different icons like Edit, Remove, Delete throughout the app and also added different strategies type icons in the application.

Updated: When checking the validity of an active subscription we have implemented a grace period. We have implemented a 24 hour grace period, in order to prevent unnecessary service outages on the day of subscription renewal.

Fixed: Fixed the navigation issue for different browser zoom size. Users were facing issues while navigating to the month and year filter

Fixed: Non-percentage adjustment fields were displaying a maximum value is 300% error. This has been corrected to display this error message only in the case of percentage adjustment fields

Fixed: Editing Min night rule from the mobile app was causing problems on Rategenie web app. We Fixed the UI issue and also fix the issue where the min night was not showing on the rates breakdown

Fixed: Manual rates start and end dates are displaying incorrectly. Fixed the time zone issue that was causing the manual rate to be applied one month ahead

Fixed: Fixed the issue where Rategenie was not loading properly whenever there was a rental with name as full numeric values

Fixed: Airbnb API (NEW) label is removed throughout the app and changed to "Airbnb API".

Fixed: Turning ON/OFF sync buttons in Rategenie while using Drag and Drop were causing some issues. Dragging the sync toggle was not getting ON and OFF. This is fixed now

Fixed: The text for different types of strategies is updated. The strategy type was not showing the proper name. It's fixed now.

Fixed: Rental Events were showing as duplicate. Now, duplicate public holidays events are removed.

Fixed: Reducing the screen size was causing the spinner to keep rotating on the rates calendar page. The Rate calendar was not showing rates with less than 90% zoom size. It's fixed now.

Fixed: Zero percentage adjustment on manual rate was causing problems. Zero percentage adjustment was not visible on rates breakdown and it was also showing a blank value on the manual rates table. It's fixed now

Fixed: On the Rates calendar page while applying a rental filter: selection of a rental was moving the scroll on top again. It's fixed to stay in the selected rental section.

Fixed: Adding a new rule was displaying the type as rental in the strategy activity logs and not as a rule. It's fixed now.

Fixed: Update the error message when entering negative values. The following error message will be displayed now where negative values are not allowed: "Only positive integers allowed."

Fix: Terms of Service URL was outdated. It’s fixed now to show the latest Terms of Services.

Fix: Privacy Policy URL was outdated. It’s fixed now to show the latest Terms of Services.

Fix: We have reduced the rental name display length to a certain level so that the UI is not disturbed.


  • We have made a number of updates and bug fixes so far this year, including:

Updated: The send to guest option was removed from rate events. This is because there is no reason to send a guest a rates notification.

Updated: The data token |GUEST:WIFE| has been updated in the data dictionary to |GUEST:SPOUSE|. users with templates that still say |GUEST:WIFE| will be unaffected. Both WIFE and SPOUSE data tokens will parse the same thing into the outgoing message.

Updated: Users can now filter triggers on the Triggers page by the action performed.

Updated: Saving a custom code with a name that has only numbers was creating issues for some users. We will no longer allow names that are only numbers.

Updated: We added the user role underneath their name in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.

Updated: Users will now be able to set conditions on a trigger before saving. As long as all required fields in the trigger details have been completed, the trigger conditions will become available to be added. This will allow users to create triggers for multiple rentals at once, and have all of them share the same trigger conditions.

Updated: The trigger condition section now appears once all of the required fields are completed in the trigger details. The user no longer has to click the Save button to see this section appear. This should be more intuitive.

Updated: When archiving an active trigger, a pop-up now appears asking the user if they want to disable the trigger before archiving. This will prevent the confusion of archived triggers firing for some users.

Fixed: New templates were automatically replacing existing templates on triggers.

Fixed: When duplicating workflows, the triggers in the new workflow were not copying the channel filter selection.

Fixed: When selecting the action Send Signature Form, the template selector was just 10 forms, instead of all forms if the user had more than 10. This has been corrected.



Absolute adjustments of 0 are no longer allowed- New Feature: 0 values are no longer allowed for absolute adjustments. it has to be a positive or negative integer, but not 0.
Strategies filter applied shows 0 data when we switch from the Rentals page to another page, and then back again- When a strategy filter is active on the rentals page, switching to other pages and back showed the rentals page as empty, even though a strategy filter is active with actual rentals.
Availability showing incorrectly for overlapping bookings- Overlapping bookings were showing incorrectly in the rates calendars
Grey overlay is shown on safari browser when user try to move to different page/year/month- Display issue in safari browser on macOS when moving forward or backwards in time on the rates calendar
Color indicator take more time to load when user has a high number of listings- The color bar that indicates sync status was causing large user accounts to load slowly
When a new booking is made, creating a new gap, new rates are not being generated- When new bookings came in, and a valid gap appeared in the calendar, the rates were not updating until the daily refresh. now the rates refresh the moment the gap appears.
0 percent does not remain sticky in Month and Day specific rules- 0 percent adjustments were not showing when editing a month or day-specific rule
On Rental overlay-'Reset' button on RG rental settings is not clearing data, user has to reopen the screen- The reset button on the rentals overlay was not clearing the data until the user refreshed the page
Error messages don't display on iPad- Display issue on ipads with error messages
Allow users to set values up to +300% in all percent adjustment fields- New Feature: percent adjustments can now go up to +300%.
Allow users to add/use the Day Specific Rule with the Genie Strategy- New Feature: the day-specific rule was previously not an option in the genie strategy. Now it is.
Allow users to select the same start and end date in Date Specific Rule- New Feature: users were only able to use the rule for a 2-day minimum. Now they can do it for single days by selecting the same start and end date.
Decimal values are no longer allowed- New Feature: decimal values are no longer allowed anywhere in the app - only integers.


Safari browser- success messages Tick mark icon is not showing throughout the app- Display issue with safari browser on macOS
Firefox and Safari browser- Strategies rules fields are overlapping with text and icons- Display issue with safari/firefox browsers
Gap night rule - min nights is not populated- Min night field would show as blank when editing a gap night rule
Add the Price Percentile selector to the Genie Strategy- New Feature: we added the price percentile option to the genie strategy, so now they can have the genie strategy generate rates for different price points
Show channel adjusted prices in red if the min or max rate is applied- New Feature: channel adjusted prices on the rates overlay calendar now appear in red if the min or max rate is applied
Multiple Edit options are opened when users click on the edit button on different rows in the List view- Clicking the edit button in multiple rows of the table meant the edit menu for each click was persistent, making a visual mess. Now you click on one, and then click on another edit button, and the previous edit menu disappears.
Booked dates that are showing in multi-calendar are not displayed on the standard calendar until I clicked on the 'refresh' button- Booked dates weren't showing properly on the rates overlay calendar, until the calendar was refreshed.
Rental listing with no mapping (like BDC, Expedia) should not be allowed to Turn On Sync- New Feature: if sync is turned off in RG for a listing, it cannot be turned on until there is a rate mapping created for that listing first. This does not affect Airbnb listings, which are auto-mapped.
Sometimes Rates calendar is not showing rates when user is logged in to Rate Genie- Some users were seeing the rates calendar appear blank, with a loading animation permanently cycling
Add a new tab for users to add notes to saved strategies- New Feature: a new tab was added to the strategies overlay, which will allow users to save notes for their team to read or respond to.



  • Add the ability to turn off a payout rule without having to delete the entire payout rule.
  • Updating Payout rule formula structure:
  • Show name of Payout rules which are being applied to booking: Names of payout rule is now shown in tooltips if the user hovers over the payout column value.
  • Allow negative amounts in Invoice line items: User can now include a negative amount in the invoice
  • Owner Center is accessible on the tablet platform
  • Allow property manager to enable OC login for the owner
  • Create the statements/invoices for all the owners in a bulk function
  • Allow owners to change password
  • [Owner Portal->Reports] Add tooltips when you hover over different report types.


  • [Owners] Sort by "Rentals" and "Name" columns not working.
  • [Dashboard] Sort by Owner column not working properly.
  • [Portal] In Payments, the filter is not working for Failure
  • Rental and Tag filters appearing as Blank.
  • Owner center check-in / check-out times on booking info popup are incorrect
  • [Payout Rules] Owner name and Channel Name is missing on the detail view
  • [Reporting] Bookings that span from one year to the next show up incorrectly on the next year's report
  • [Owner Portal] The owner should be able to scroll forward and backward on Multi Calendar.
  • [Owners->Owner Statements] Options in the Rentals dropdown should be sorted.
  • [Owner->Owner Rentals] The correct currency symbol doesn't show in Owner Center for Euro.
  • [Owner Portal->Statements] The tooltip goes out of the screen when you hover over the Month dropdown.
  • [Dashboard] "BOOKING REVENUE FOR LAST 14 DAYS" graph has some data display issues
  • [Invoice/Statement] In Printed Mode, show "No Logo" if no logo exists.
  • [Invoice Print] The Terms and Conditions and Messages section do not appear at all.
  • [Payment] In Activity Log "Failure" status is not working
  • [Statement/Invoices] The status filter is not working properly without screen refresh
  • [Portal] Hold Events are not displaying correctly on the Standard calendar
  • Invoice Detail View shows empty rows in OC and 0 Payout/Tax



View not displaying properly in template create view (iPad)Display issue on ipads for the template editor
View not displaying properly when you try to create a Workflow from sample (iPad)Display issue on ipads for the workflow wizard
View not displaying properly in portrait mode (iPad)Display issue on ipads in portrait mode
View not displaying properly  on Dashboard (iPad)Display issue on ipads for the recent activity page
Buttons are breaking in Portrait mode (iPad)Buttons not functioning properly in portrait mode on ipads
Success, Failures & Info messages don't display on the iPadSuccess/fail/info toasters not displaying correctly on ipads
View not displaying properly under Messages (iPad)Messages tab on the booking details overlay not displaying correctly on ipads
All column doesn't display in detail view of Booking Details List View (iPad)Display issue on ipads for the booking details list view
All columns don't display under Triggers tab (iPad)Display issue on ipads for the triggers page
Tabs are breaking in the detail view of trigger (iPad)Display issue on ipads with the tabs on the trigger overlay
Cross icon doesn't display to close overlays (iPad)The close overlay button (X) was not displaying properly on ipads
When duplicating a trigger with a specified trigger condition, the condition points to the trigger from the original workflowDuplicating a trigger that has a specified trigger condition was pointing to the specified trigger of the original workflow, instead of the specified trigger of the new workflow that the trigger was duplicated to
Duplicating workflows causes issues with the specified trigger conditionDuplicating workflows was resulting in all the triggers from both the original and new workflows appearing in the list of triggers when editing the specified trigger condition. This created confusion, as users weren't sure which trigger to select, since the trigger names get duplicated in the process of duplicating a workflow.


Booking confirmed triggers are firing repeatedly for the same guestsBooking confirmed triggers were firing repeatedly for some guests.
The translation section disappears when you add a translationWhen adding a translation, the translation section would disappear from the template editor, until a page refresh
Trigger conditions for triggers created via sample showing Invalid Date for the creation timestampThe timestamp on the trigger conditions (for triggers created using samples) was showing as Invalid Date
Last-minute checkin trigger sample has undefined time values in the trigger conditionThe days/hours fields in the trigger condition on the last minute trigger (made using samples) was showing the value Undefined
Some trigger event types appear in the workflow details, but not in the booking detailsSpecifically, invoice triggers were not appearing on the booking details overlay, even though they were visible in the workflow details overlay
Directions data dictionary code is parsing as blankDriving directions data code was showing as blank in the sent template
The subject field disappears when updating a templateThe subject field was disappearing when saving a template, and choosing the option to update instead of save as new
"Creator" Value doesn't display when you create a custom codeThe creator of the custom code was not showing when a new custom code was created
Issue: Booking status is paid trigger condition was not allowing some triggers to fireThe paid status of the booking was not being recognized properly in some instances, but now it works correctly under all conditions.
Cross icon doesn't display to close overlays (iPad)The close overlay button (X) was not displaying properly on ipads
When duplicating a trigger with a specified trigger condition, the condition points to the trigger from the original workflowDuplicating a trigger that has a specified trigger condition was pointing to the specified trigger of the original workflow, instead of the specified trigger of the new workflow that the trigger was duplicated to
Duplicating workflows causes issues with the specified trigger conditionDuplicating workflows was resulting in all the triggers from both the original and new workflows appearing in the list of triggers when editing the specified trigger condition. This created confusion, as users weren't sure which trigger to select since the trigger names get duplicated in the process of duplicating a workflow.


We have exciting news, folks! The most-powerful dynamic pricing tool has just gone mobile. Introducing, the Rategenie mobile app, available on iOS and Android.

Get The Rategenie App Now!

This full-featured mobile app will allow you to manage your rates the same as if you were at your desktop. We understand that pricing and promotional ideas can sometimes be spontaneous, and it might not be convenient to open a laptop at that exact location, in order to make the changes that you want. Now, you will never have to wait again, because the wait is over for the ultimate dynamic pricing tool on the market. Rategenie puts power in the palm of your hand!


We are excited to announce the release of Automata, our newest product in the Tokeet suite of products. Automata is the most powerful automation tool designed for the short-term rental industry. It executes the tasks related to a guest booking, so you can focus on growing your rental business.

Automata has been in closed beta for the past month and all of our beta users love it. Some of our larger customers are already sending over 1,000 automated messages per day with Automata. Today we’ve opened Automata, free of charge for the remainder of August, so all our users may give it a try. You can read more about Automata here. If you’re interested in giving Automata a try you can simply log in with your Tokeet credentials right here. Only account administrators and managers of an Owner Plan account or higher may log in to Automata.

We’re looking forward to your feedback and thanks for being Tokeet users.